Thursday, September 20, 2012


How do you record your progress when it comes to diet and exercise? Do you write it down in a journal or use any of the online websites and apps? I actually use both of those mentioned. I faithfully keep a workout journal (I've now filled in 3), occasionally write in a food journal, and for runs and bike rides use the MapMyRide app. I find to have a log of workouts is really helpful in being able to look back and see how far I've come from when I started. So motivational! I was thinking about this after a tough workout yesterday. So I thought I would share one of my first logged (I'd done many workouts before I started logging them) workouts with you and compare it to last night.

I started the journal on September 1, 2008 with a swim, however on Sept. 3, 2008 I was at the YMCA and here is what I did:

1 Hour workout
60 bicycle crunches
30 sit-ups
30 leg lifts
2 16sec planks

Table w/40 leg lifts each leg
Hip lifts 2 sets 20 reps
Stiff-legged deadlifts 2 sets 20 rep
10 walking laps around the indoor track
20 pushups
Triceps kickback 12.5 lb weight 2 sets 10 reps
Concentration curl 12.5 lb weight 2 sets 10 reps
Triceps dip 2 sets 10 reps

Here is my workout last night September 19, 2012

1 Hour spin class
1.5 hour weight training

 Leg Press 140lb 2 sets 20 reps
                  150lb 2 sets 20 reps
                  160lb 1 set 20 reps

Hip adductor 130lb 2 sets 20 reps
                      140lb 2 sets 20 reps

Split squat 3 sets 15 reps each leg

Walking lunges holding 20lbs in each hand 4 sets 15 reps

Triceps dip straight leg, 35lb plate in lap 3 sets 20 reps

Seated lateral raise 12.5lb 3 sets 12 reps

Rear delt flye 12.5lb 3 sets 8 reps

Pushups with feet on bench 3 sets 15 reps

Weighted back extension 25lb 2 sets 12 reps

Standing low row to triceps kickback 15 lb 3 sets 15 reps

One legged deadlift with high row2 sets 15 reps each leg

Lateral Pulldown 70lb 2 sets 10 reps
                             75lb 1 set 8 reps

Calf raises 35lb plate in lap 3 sets 15 reps

Knee tucks (look ma no hands!) 4 sets 25 reps
Bicycle crunch 4 sets 25 reps
Reverse crunch 4 sets 20 reps

I'm amazed at how much more I can do, how much weight I've added and the endurance I now have four years later.
Want to know how you are doing? Write it down, you'll be amazed and motivated too!


Thursday, September 6, 2012


What or who inspires you?
We all have those that push us to work harder, that motivate us to keep trying, and encourage us to be or do the best we can. I find inspiration everywhere, at work, home, the gym, dance class, even politics.  I mean it's election time and who can't be inspired by people like Michele Obama or Bill Clinton, even if you don't agree with everything they say, they are very strong, influential people dedicated to their causes.

Inspiration comes in many forms. My students and clients motivate me, by reaching their goals, to create new and energizing workouts. My friends and family encourage me to continue following my dreams, even when they seem out of reach and workout buddies push me hard in the gym, sometimes they don't even know that they inspire. Which leads me to why I wanted to write this blog post in the first place.

When I first met Jess Mazalusky, I walked into her spin class with a friend who had encouraged me to try spin, as I'm an avid cyclist already. This was my first spin class EVER! I know, many of you who take her class have already told me I must have been nuts! Can I just say that I thought that was one of the hardest classes I've ever taken, not the hardest, but certainly one of the hardest and I consider myself pretty fit. I was exhausted!

I attend classes when it fits my schedule and I like the instructor. I wasn't sure if I liked her style or not as she pushes and yells at you things like "Don't bounce in my seat", and "Keep your shoulders down, don't look like a turtle"! I've been attending her class ever since! Jess has recently taken on a personal goal that is truly inspiring. She has been training for a fitness competition that is coming up in another month or so and it has been very grueling for her. I've been reading her blog The Gym is That Way that details some of what her life has been like since she started this journey. Her meals and workouts are very restricted and her emotions have been like a roller coaster, but the results are AMAZING!

Now she'll be the first to tell you she wouldn't recommend to everyone, or maybe anyone, I know this because I heard her say it last night, but why I find her inspiring is not primarily the end result, although I am pretty envious of that, it's her DEDICATION. She set a goal, she has done everything she was told in order to reach that goal, not letting obstacles like dinner parties, and being tired get in her way, and she's achieving her goal. That is inspiring!  I felt the need today after taking her spin class last night to tell her and you that in this post. You are doing a great job, Jess, you should be very proud of yourself. I am.

So who or what inspires you?

Here is a pic that I just saw in a FB post that I think fits with today's post.

Stay inspired, keep moving forward!


Monday, July 23, 2012

Challenge Yourself

I am super proud of myself for signing up and completing a recent online cycling challenge. MapMyRide le Tour 12 challenge was during the three weeks that the Tour de France was held. You could sign up to complete different distances and I chose 100-miles. I didn't compete against anyone, but myself. Once I signed up I felt obligated to finish and although I ended up with only a week to get in all my miles, I did it in four days!  This was a great way to push myself to achieve a goal I might not otherwise. I get in regular bike rides, but this gave me another really fun reason to get out there along with enjoying the outdoors and added a little competitive edge. In June I did something similar and have found that I really enjoy these types of challenges. Currently seeking my next one.

I have friends that are marathon runners, Iron Man competitors, triathletes and even one who is training for her first fitness competition. It doesn't matter what goal you are training for, or if you compete against someone else or yourself. What matters is that you find that brass ring and you grab it, then look for the next one and so forth. You will not only achieve physical fitness, but mental as well. The happiness you feel from accomplishment is amazing!

No matter if you are in the gym trying to lift heavier weights, get in more reps, cycle, run, swim further or faster, challenge yourself, you'll be glad you did!

Tell me what your goals are and how you are challenging yourself to complete them.


Saturday, July 14, 2012

Are You Being Too Hard on Yourself?

You get upset with yourself because you ate something that really wasn't that healthy or you didn't get to your workout like you wanted or said you would. We've all been there, myself included. The important thing is how you handle this mini crisis. A couple of weeks ago I scolded myself for skipping one class that I hadn't attended for several weeks due to my schedule. I felt accountable to the other people that were going and the instructor and kept thinking I should have done for myself. Thing was that I had already attended two other classes, this would have been the third in a row. I just didn't have a third one in me and I didn't really feel like going. Once I got over my not going and talking with others, I realized I was being too hard on myself. I have been keeping to a pretty strict workout schedule and skipping one class was perfectly ok. I realized that I have been concentrating too much on making sure I get workouts in that I'm not having fun doing them. Exercising is important to losing or maintaining weight and to an overall healthy lifestyle. But it should also be fun and something you want to do. Also if you are like me and generally keep up with your workouts, it's okay to skip a class or take a day off as you are probably feeling that way because your body or mind needs a break. Taking a break is good for you and will help you recharge. Being committed means you'll get back on track in no time.
How about food? Do you usually eat healthy with fruits, vegetables, use portion control and everything and then something happens and you eat a high calorie not-so-good-for-you food? Was it good? Bet it tasted good, I know my fried fish meal did. Again, don't beat yourself up if you fall off the clean eating food wagon. For me, although the meal tasted good, my stomach didn't really appreciate it, that feeling was enough for me to not want to eat anything like that again soon.

Take breaks when you need them and don't worry if you eat something bad for you, making yourself feel bad about it defeats the whole purpose of why you do good things for yourself in the first place. Be good to yourself and know you'll be back on the workout and healthy food train again.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Fear and Intimidation

How many times have you said to yourself or someone else, no, I don't want to do that, what if it's hard, scary, I can't do it, people might judge me? Trying something new is always intimidating. It doesn't matter if it's something that seems big or small. I can tell you from personal experience, fear of something new could have been my middle name. I realized that it was fear of the unknown. For me, I was afraid that it might be hard and I wouldn't be able to do it and those that could might laugh at me. I know there are things that I didn't do, that now I wish I had. I've learned now that it's important to try something new/different because if you don't, how will you ever know that you are good at it or like it? You may not like it or be good at it, but if you never try, you'll never know.

I was in the gym today and after class was in the weight room waiting to see if a couple of my friends were going to join me, they did. It was interesting because one said,"I've never even been in this room before", and the other said, "I've always been a little intimidated in here." To me the weight room is like a grown-up playground with lots of ways to exercise and challenge your body/muscles. The more I see people do, the more I challenge myself. I had to think back on when I felt the same as these ladies, and its been a while, but I certainly felt that way the first time I walked into a gym. I was so happy to be able to show them my workout and have them try it with me. On the other hand, both of these two had done things that I never have. Running races and cycling in a bike ride challenge.  Now, I haven't run in a race yet, but it's on my Things to Try List, but I did complete a cycling challenge a week ago.

The ride was part of the Air Force Cycling Challenge. It took place in Crystal City, VA and was a set course that you rode as many laps as you could in the 3.5 hours allotted time frame. I completed four laps (37.2 miles). Before registering, which took me a week by the way, I knew in my head that I could do it, so why the hesitation? I didn't know what it would be like, what if we were all bunched up the whole time and you couldn't see anything and someone went slow and you couldn't get around, I'd fall for sure, (I've yet to fall off my bike). I had in my minds eye, the peleton of the professional cycling races that I watch frequently, which is NOT what this was like. I had made myself nervous even before knowing what it would be like, now that I do, I can't wait until next year and see if I can do better.

Creating a fitness business was a new experience that I never would be doing if I hadn't tried, now I'm personal training and teaching a bootcamp class. Time to get out there and not let new challenges pass you by. Your mission is to try something new/different once a week. It can be anything from a new food, new sport, class, exercise or experience, like walking into the weight room at the gym. Do it, the time is now, you may even find you are really good at it or like it! Don't let fear and intimidation rule you, conquer it!

Monday, April 23, 2012


After you create and achieve a goal, do you reward yourself for the effort it took to reach the outcome you wanted? Having a reward linked to a goal can help to motivate towards reaching it, but sometimes can be difficult to give yourself. Many of us have a hard time patting ourselves on the back for a job well done. It's easier if it comes from someone else, say a boss, friend, parent, or loved one, and doing for ourselves feels selfish, but it isn't. Taking the time to set a goal, whatever it is and then being determined to reach it, even if it means overcoming obstacles is very admirable and you should give yourself the credit you deserve.
What types of rewards do you allow yourself once you have decided you earned it?  Do you indulge in something that has nothing to do with your goal or something that helps further along the ultimate quest you are on? I for one will buy a new piece of clothing, maybe workout related, or some kind of equipment that will enhance my exercise performance. Sometimes I elect to give myself some quiet time that I haven't had because I've been so busy. Maybe a special healthy meal, or fun night out.  Whatever you reward yourself with, remember you worked hard for it. Be good to yourself, you are so worth it!

Friday, April 20, 2012

My Workouts

I'm often asked what my workouts consist of. I have many answers to this as it can vary from week to week and season to season. My summer workout can be very different from my winter one, or at least from a more typical winter one. So I thought in this blog post I'd describe what a week might look like, how workouts change from season to season and outline a typical in gym workout.

A typical week: Monday off, Tuesday 2 hours of dance classes, Wednesday 1 hour spin & 1 hour Bodypump class. Thursday or Friday a run, the other day off, Saturday 1 hour spin, 1 hour free weights, half hour swim, Sunday is dance practice in the morning and then maybe an hour of yoga, or a long bike ride. When the weather is nice a bike ride or run is in order. During the summer most weekends have bike rides, runs, swimming, and/or kayaking. When cooler, the workouts are mainly in the gym.

What does my weights workout look like?

As I walk to and from the gym and often am doing weights after a spin class I don't do a typical warm-up.

Squats: 3-4 sets 15-20 reps usually add bicep curls and shoulder presses.
Lunges: 3 sets 8 reps may add bicep curls or ab twist
Chest press: 3 sets 10-12 reps
Bicep concentration curls: 3 sets 10 reps
Triceps extension: 3 sets 12 reps
Bench dip: 3 sets 15 reps
Single arm row: 3 sets 10-12 eps
Lateral pulldown: 3 sets 10 reps
Bicycle crunch: 3-4 sets 25 reps

Exercises will vary depending on what I most want to work on and what the timeframe is. Combination exercises are great if short on time, and circuit training is also great for moving from each thing more quickly and keeping the heart rate up. There are so many exercises that I'll change things up from time to time just to keep the muscles guessing.
Let's keep moving!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Belly Fat; Why you have it and how to conquer it.

You are eating healthy, exercising regularly, not gaining weight and yet you have that little area of belly fat that you can't quite get rid of. I know, super frustrating. As we age muscle mass may diminish which means a larger percentage of your body mass will be fat. To make matters more unpleasant women loose estrogen with age and this determines where fat is stored in the body. Meaning you may notice less fat in arms, legs and hips, but more in the abdominals. The increase in abdominal fat (visceral) can also increase the risk for diseases such as cardiovascular, type 2 diabetes, and breast cancer among others.
So what is a gal to do? Are there ways to reduce/control this fat? Absolutely! Exercise, diet, sleep and stress are all ways to keep this in check. Don't think that doing a million sit-ups will do it however. You can't spot reduce this area. Sorry Ladies! I know that would be ideal. Regular cardio and strength training 4 times a week will keep this in check along with a healthy, portion controlled diet, getting enough (~7 hours) sleep and reducing stress.
Seems like a lot to do for one area of your body, but all these things are beneficial for overall health and wellbeing. Remember this is a part of aging, but we don't have to take it lying down, we have ways to age well and look awesome doing it!

For more information check out these web sites:

Monday, March 12, 2012

Food Fun

I haven't posted any recipes in a while, so here are a couple I'm sure you'll like.

Cod with Spicy Orange & Black Cherry Sauce & Couscous
Clean Eating Web Site
10 oz couscous
Olive oil cooking spray
1 medium yellow onion, thinly sliced, divided
4 cloves garlic, finely minced, divided
2 large carrots, peeled and diced
4 green onions, diced, divided
1 tsp dried cilantro
Sea salt and fresh ground black pepper, to taste
2 large navel oranges
4 tbsp no-sugar-added all-fruit black cherry jam
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/8 tsp ground cayenne pepper
4 4-oz cod fillets or other whitefish of your choice (1 lb)
1/2 tsp Spanish paprika


Bring 2 cups water to a boil in a medium saucepan over medium-high heat. Stir in couscous, cover and remove from heat. Let sit for 5 minutes, then fluff with a fork and set aside.
Heat a large nonstick or cast-iron skillet over medium-high heat for 1 minute. Mist with cooking spray, add half of yellow onion and 2 cloves garlic and sauté for 2 minutes. Add carrots and sauté for another 2 minutes. Add all but 2 tbsp green onions and sauté for another minute. Add couscous, sauté for 1 minute more, then remove from heat. Season with cilantro, salt and black pepper.
In a small bowl, zest 1 orange, then squeeze juice from orange over zest. Slice remaining orange in half, then cut orange slices in half, leaving the peel intact. Set orange slices aside.
Heat a medium-sized saucepan over medium-high heat for 1 minute. Mist with cooking spray, add remaining onion and remaining 2 cloves garlic, and sauté for 2 minutes. Add juice-zest mixture and jam, bring to a simmer, then reduce heat to medium-low. Stir in cinnamon and cayenne. Cook for an additional 2 to 3 minutes or until sauce is thickened just enough so it will coat the back of a spoon.
Preheat broiler on high. Line a cookie sheet or shallow baking pan with aluminum foil and arrange fillets on top of foil. Sprinkle paprika over fillets, then top each with 1 orange piece. Broil for 8 to 10 minutes or until fillets are cooked through and flaky.
To serve, place 1 cup couscous-veggie mixture on a plate with 1 fillet, still topped with orange piece. Pour 2 tbsp sauce overtop of each fillet, followed by 2 tsp green onions and 2 to 3 additional orange pieces. (You will have 1 cup couscous and about 1/4 to 1/3 cup sauce left over.)

Nutrients per serving (1 cup couscous-veggie mixture, 4 oz fillet, 2 tbsp sauce): Calories: 440, Total Fat: 2.5 g, Sat. Fat: 0 g, Carbs: 76 g, Fiber: 13 g, Sugars: 9 g, Protein: 33 g, Sodium: 150 mg, Cholesterol: 50 mg

Okay, so these may not be the healthiest desserts, but who can resist a yummy cupcake once in a while?

Basic (Vegan) Chocolate Cupcake Recipe

Posted on CHOW, From Vegan Cupcakes Take Over The World

1 cup soy milk
1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
3/4 cup granulated sugar
1/3 cup canola oil
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon almond extract, chocolate extract, or more vanilla extract
1 cup all-purpose flour
1/3 cup cocoa powder, Dutch-processed or regular
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
Vegan Fluffy Buttercream Frosting


Preheat oven to 350°F and line a muffin pan with paper or foil liners.
Whisk together the soy milk and vinegar in a large bowl, and set aside for a few minutes to curdle. Add the sugar, oil, vanilla extract, and other extract, if using, to the soy milk mixture and beat until foamy. In a separate bowl, sift together the flour, cocoa powder, baking soda, baking powder, and salt. Add in two batches to wet ingredients and beat until no large lumps remain (a few tiny lumps are OK).
Pour into liners, filling 3/4 of the way. Bake 18 to 20 minutes, until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Transfer to a cooling rack and let cool completely.

Cookies ‘n’ Cream Cupcakes: Mix into cupcake batter 1 cup (about 10 cookies; chop first, then measure) of coarsely chopped vegan chocolate cream-filled sandwich cookies, like Newman-O’s. Bake as directed.


Friday, March 9, 2012

Signs of Overtraining

Getting yourself or others to exercise can be a challenge and the thought of overtraining may seem impossible, but once you start working out and find things you like you may actually find yourself in this situation. The following are some signs that you may be overdoing it:

1. Loss of muscle strength and coordination
2. Decreased appetite and body weight loss
3. Muscle tenderness
4. Increased number of minor injuries, such as muscle strains
5. Occasional nausea
6. Sleep disturbances
7. Elevated resting heart rate
8. Elevated blood pressure
9. Constant fatigue

If you have any of these while training, you should probably take a break and rest the body. Understand that your body needs time to recover in order to prevent injuries and get the most out of your workouts.
Take care of yourself by knowing your limits, your body will thank you!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Levels of Exercise

To follow up to last post Where to Start, I thought I would introduce you to levels of exercise.
First according to Aerobics and Fitness Association of America there are five questions to ask when deciding which exercises are appropriate for which clients. This is for personal trainers and fitness instructors, but can also be applied for those who are training.
1. What is the purpose of the exercise?
2. Are you doing it effectively?
3. Does the exercise create any safety concerns?
4. Can you maintain proper alignment and form for the duration of the exercise?
5. For whom is the exercise appropriate or inappropriate?

Now on to exercise levels. This will help you to decide what level you should be performing an exercise if you are not working with a trainer.

Level 1
Isolate and educate. This level is usually performed with contact of the floor or bench and no resistance. Very safe and minimal risk of injury.

Level 2
Isolate and educate. This level the body is still stabilized as in sitting, but now there is addition of resistance using a machine, weights, resistance bands.

Level 3
Addition of functional training positions. This means going from sitting to standing.

Level 4
Here you combine resistance with increased functionality.

Level 5
At this level demands are placed on balance, muscular fitness, coordination and stability. This is achieved by incorporating multiple muscle groups and joint actions.

Level 6
This is the hardest most challenging level of exercise. Here you would add elements of speed, resistance, balance and functionality.

Now if this didn't make any sense to you, below is an example of an exercise that works the same muscle in different levels.

Working the front and side of your shoulders:
Level 1: Frontal arm raises done while seated
Level 2: Frontal arm raises done while seated with weights
Level 3: Frontal arm raises done standing with weights
Level 4: Frontal arm raises done standing on a BOSU
Level 5: Frontal arm raises while doing squats
Level 6: Frontal arm raises while doing squats on a BOSU

Just remember that when you are starting out you can still get a great workout even without adding weights or balance. It's important to keep proper form than to load weights and become injured. So if you are not able to do pushups, for example on your toes, start on your knees, or in table top position. You can even do them standing along a wall. It's not about what everyone else is doing, they are all at different levels, it's about doing what is best for you and challenging yourself safely.
Happy exercising!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Fitness, Where to Start

This week I was talking with a friend when he said " I have a silly question to ask you. I've never really worked out before. How do I start?" First off that is not a silly question. I actually love that question. As a fitness professional or someone who works out a lot, we often forget how we started and we just do it! Second the fact that he asked the question means he already started. The first step to fitness and a healthy lifestyle is deciding that it's something you want and reaching out to someone who can help you achieve your goals. The next step whether you work with a trainer or not is to identify your long and short term goals. Make sure you have realistic time frames set up for your goals. Realize that losing large amounts of weight and toning muscles will take time. You didn't become overweight or out of shape overnight so you can't expect to become fit and healthy overnight either. With each day you will get stronger and more healthy and it will have great results down the road. Don't get discouraged if you don't reach your goals right away, give yourself rewards each time you do accomplish a goal. This will help keep you motivated. Adding workouts to your schedule is half of your fitness plan, don't forget the other half is eating healthy meals.

You've got a list of goals set up, now what?
You'll need to determine what your fitness level. A trainer will asses this with you but you can do this on your own. If you haven't worked out at all then any exercise will be a great place to start. For newbies classes are a great introduction into fitness. Having a dedicated time and place to be and being surrounded by other people will keep you motivated and committed. Don't be intimidated when you join a class, walk into the weight room or at the sight of the machines. If you don't know how to do something, ask someone. Everyone had to start somewhere and the instructor, trainer or gym personnel will be more than willing to help set you up and show you how something works. They want you to work out safely and succeed as much as you do.
Ideally you want to work out 3 -5 times a week and with at least 150 min of moderate-intense exercise. If you are new however, don't overdo it. Your body will more than likely be in shock after the first few workouts as it won't be used to this at all. Be ready to be sore. Resistance and cardio training is best. This will help you shed the fat and tone the muscles. You can do in the same workout such as with circuits or spread over different days, so weights one day and running/walking the next. Not sure what exercises to do or how to do them? The internet is a great resource. There are many sites that have workouts set up that you can follow and videos that show you proper form and movement.
Here are a couple to get you started:

You've made the first step now keep moving forward. You'll be well on your way to living that healthy lifestyle you desire in no time.
Stay committed and motivated!
Happy exercising!

Monday, January 23, 2012

You Really Are Number One!

It's the start of a new week. You have work, meetings, appointments, events, things you need to take care of at home and most likely people that depend on you in all these various places. You make a plan for each day or maybe you wing-it. You're busy morning-night. Yet, you feel as though something is missing, you may know what that is, but figure it just isn't important right now, or well it is, but it will have to wait. But it shouldn't wait because what is missing is you, doing the things you need to keep you healthy, fit, and happy. How many times do you say, "I have way too many things to do today to even think about going to the or doing (blank) this could be the gym, hairdresser, taking a walk, reading a book, making a healthy meal" get the picture.

What we often forget in our busy lives is that we should come first. This doesn't mean that we are the only ones that are important, that we are snobby, it means that in order to take care of all the other things and people in our lives we need to be healthy and enjoy life and not forget about our entire wellbeing. If you really enjoy an activity, make the time for it, no one else will do it for you. Everything else will fall into place.
Now think about that which has been missing that you most enjoy and make it happen!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Healthy Cooking and Eating

This past weekend Paula Deen, celebrity chef on the Food Network announced that she does indeed have Type2 diabetes. Type2 diabetes is also known as adult-onset diabetes. It can be the result of heredity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and being overweight. It's not certain what caused Deens', however she is known as the queen of southern cooking and is overweight. It isn't uncommon for chefs to be heavy. They work long hours, tend to create dishes that include lots of butter, sugar and sodium, may be fried and snack on these foods while working. The Food Network will be launching a new show later this month called Fat Chef that will focus on chefs and people in the food industry across the country. These people will talk and work with fitness and nutrition experts to identify their issues and how to handle them. Not all chefs are overweight, so there must be something they are doing differently.

There are certainly ways to create healthy, less fattening meals that are still delicious. It's not only important for people in the food industry to learn how to cook this way, but also the rest of us. We should be able to go to a restaurant and order a low fat, low calorie, meal that is high on taste. We should also be able to buy a cookbook from our favorite chefs and prepare our own meals that won't do a number on our waistlines. One book out there is Clean Eating by Tosca Reno. It's full of healthy choices.

Let's hope that with Deens' news of diabetes she learns new ways of cooking/eating and shares that with the rest of us.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Vacation and Happy New Year!

Been a crazy last month, a lot going on. December always seems busy with the holidays and getting ready for the end of the year. Short work weeks, make working days more hectic than usual and then there are all the holiday parties and gatherings.
That's why I decided that a vacation the first week of January would be the perfect way to start the New Year! It was short but sweet. A week in the Pine Ridge Mountain Reserve of Belize was a great way to experience some adventures and unwind. The lodge was in the jungle/pine forest. Was peaceful and beautiful. Spent a couple of days exploring well-known Mayan ruins in both Belize and Guatemala and a day in the Mayan underworld, aka Actun Tunichil Muknal (ATM) Cave. That was one of the most adventuresome things I've done in a while. Trying new things should be on everyone's list. If you never try something how will you know if you like it or are any good at it? After each tour it was back to the lodge for a delicious dinner and early to bed out of shear exhaustion. The last day was more leisurely with walks and sunbathing (soaking up the Vitamin D to take home). It was a wonderful vacation and am now ready to tackle 2012!

Wishing you a wonderful New Year! May you be healthy, happy, challenged, and try something new!

Happy New Year!

  What a year 2020 was! So much so I let this blog slip through the cracks!  Well it’s a new year and I have just posted a new workout video...