Monday, July 23, 2012

Challenge Yourself

I am super proud of myself for signing up and completing a recent online cycling challenge. MapMyRide le Tour 12 challenge was during the three weeks that the Tour de France was held. You could sign up to complete different distances and I chose 100-miles. I didn't compete against anyone, but myself. Once I signed up I felt obligated to finish and although I ended up with only a week to get in all my miles, I did it in four days!  This was a great way to push myself to achieve a goal I might not otherwise. I get in regular bike rides, but this gave me another really fun reason to get out there along with enjoying the outdoors and added a little competitive edge. In June I did something similar and have found that I really enjoy these types of challenges. Currently seeking my next one.

I have friends that are marathon runners, Iron Man competitors, triathletes and even one who is training for her first fitness competition. It doesn't matter what goal you are training for, or if you compete against someone else or yourself. What matters is that you find that brass ring and you grab it, then look for the next one and so forth. You will not only achieve physical fitness, but mental as well. The happiness you feel from accomplishment is amazing!

No matter if you are in the gym trying to lift heavier weights, get in more reps, cycle, run, swim further or faster, challenge yourself, you'll be glad you did!

Tell me what your goals are and how you are challenging yourself to complete them.


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