Saturday, July 14, 2012

Are You Being Too Hard on Yourself?

You get upset with yourself because you ate something that really wasn't that healthy or you didn't get to your workout like you wanted or said you would. We've all been there, myself included. The important thing is how you handle this mini crisis. A couple of weeks ago I scolded myself for skipping one class that I hadn't attended for several weeks due to my schedule. I felt accountable to the other people that were going and the instructor and kept thinking I should have done for myself. Thing was that I had already attended two other classes, this would have been the third in a row. I just didn't have a third one in me and I didn't really feel like going. Once I got over my not going and talking with others, I realized I was being too hard on myself. I have been keeping to a pretty strict workout schedule and skipping one class was perfectly ok. I realized that I have been concentrating too much on making sure I get workouts in that I'm not having fun doing them. Exercising is important to losing or maintaining weight and to an overall healthy lifestyle. But it should also be fun and something you want to do. Also if you are like me and generally keep up with your workouts, it's okay to skip a class or take a day off as you are probably feeling that way because your body or mind needs a break. Taking a break is good for you and will help you recharge. Being committed means you'll get back on track in no time.
How about food? Do you usually eat healthy with fruits, vegetables, use portion control and everything and then something happens and you eat a high calorie not-so-good-for-you food? Was it good? Bet it tasted good, I know my fried fish meal did. Again, don't beat yourself up if you fall off the clean eating food wagon. For me, although the meal tasted good, my stomach didn't really appreciate it, that feeling was enough for me to not want to eat anything like that again soon.

Take breaks when you need them and don't worry if you eat something bad for you, making yourself feel bad about it defeats the whole purpose of why you do good things for yourself in the first place. Be good to yourself and know you'll be back on the workout and healthy food train again.

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  What a year 2020 was! So much so I let this blog slip through the cracks!  Well it’s a new year and I have just posted a new workout video...