Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Personal Training Certification 3-Day Workshop in 2 Weeks

I'm getting excited and nervous. The first weekend of March I will be taking a 3-day personal training workshop from Aerobics and Fitness Association of America. I'm hoping to gain a lot of knowledge and pass the certification exam so I can get started in helping others enjoy working out and changing their lives. This will be a very intensive 3 days. I'm excited about what I hope to learn, but nervous about the exam. I've never been very good at testing. I received the study guide and text book a few months ago and have read it cover to cover once, now in the process of re-reading. I'm afraid I'll forget it all. I'm hoping that the hands on workshops will help reinforce the information and thus make it easier to retain.
If someone had suggested I become a trainer a couple of years ago, I would have thought them crazy. I've enjoyed going to the gym or exercising outside for several years now, but wouldn't have thought of helping others, not professionally. Then I was laid off and spending a lot of time at the gym, cycling and swimming and really realized how much I love working out and that it might be fun to help other people with their fitness goals. Exercising has been something along with dance class that helps ease stress, especially the stress of not working.
I don't know what this will all lead to, but I'm looking forward to starting something new. It's scary to make a big change, but can also be very rewarding. If you have something in your life that you want to change; your health, job, home, don't be afraid, embrace it. The roads in life are full of side roads and can lead you to some beautiful places. You have to be willing to take them.
I'm still nervous, but am confident I'll do well and so will you!


Happy New Year!

  What a year 2020 was! So much so I let this blog slip through the cracks!  Well it’s a new year and I have just posted a new workout video...