Monday, January 31, 2011

End of January, Have You Given up on Your Resolution to get Fit?

It's the end of January and the day you made your New Years resolution seems like a distant memory. Question now is have you stuck by your commitment to get fit and eat healthy or has that fallen by the wayside? It has been said that it take ~28 days for a new behavior to stick, so if you haven't given up yet, then you may not and good for you. If you have, why? Unfortunately people make a resolution expecting to see results right away. Often expecting too much too soon and not considering the big picture. Great, you joined a gym and have been putting in a few more hours a week, but have you also changed your eating habits, are you having fun or doing enough? Resolutions or goals, which is what I would rather call them, should be realistic, fun and may take time. As I've stated before, becoming fit and healthy is a life time endeavor. It's a well thought out plan with many factors you need to take into consideration. Here are some things to consider. Exercise, yes, it is recommended one does moderate-intense exercise at least 30 min/day for 5 days of the week, more to promote weight loss. With this you should also eat a healthy, balanced diet. It's also important to do something fun, why workout with something you can't stand, you're only setting yourself up to fail and lastly, make your workouts a balance of cardio and strength training, you'll get more out of it. My workout schedule each week looks something like this: M,W & Sat, 1 hour of strength training class and 15-30 min of cardio (running, swimming, cycling), One-two days of yoga and one of dance classes (2Hr). Spring, summer and fall it changes with the nice days as I take my workouts outside; hiking, running, cycling, swimming...
If you keep all of this in mind and set smaller goals, you will maximize your exercise and improve your progress.
Keep it up, you can do it!

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Happy New Year!

  What a year 2020 was! So much so I let this blog slip through the cracks!  Well it’s a new year and I have just posted a new workout video...