Monday, January 10, 2011

New Year

It's been the first ten days of the new year, hope yours is going well. The gym has been busy as expected and I'm pretty sure it will continue to have more visitors over the next month. I've seen many more people touring lately and the classes have been full. The gym overall buzzes/hums. So far it hasn't been too disturbing. I have, however, encountered the one thing that irritates me the most, people who forget that they are not alone in the gym. The person who stops in the middle of the running/walking track to change their music and forgets the others running around them or, the person who sits in the sauna talking on their cell phone. Seriously, really? I can deal with those who don't wipe the equipment down or even spend extra time on a machine or bench, but forgetting that others are around is more than I can take. As I posted previously, I m glad more people are taking their health and well-being seriously, but can't help but think many of these newbies will be gone before summer even turns the corner from spring. It's encouraging to see the Les Mills Body Pump classes or yoga classes be full every day, one can only hope it continues.
I will state again that I hope people will realize how important their health is and stay/change for a lifetime. This country is losing the obesity battle. I watched the first episode of The Biggest Loser 11 last week and it's heartbreaking to see the contestants, who seem to get bigger and bigger every season. I'm sure part of the shows strategy is to find the biggest people they can, but with this show and another one called Heavy, it's looking more like the norm and I find that very sad. For those of you who are working out and eating healthy/clean I applaud your hard work and keep it up. You are worth it!
Here's to a great year of well being!

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Happy New Year!

  What a year 2020 was! So much so I let this blog slip through the cracks!  Well it’s a new year and I have just posted a new workout video...