Monday, May 17, 2010

Destiny, Fate, Whatever you Want to Call It

We create our own fate. Yes, really. Interestingly, it's been a common theme recently, it seems. Rise and Rise Again Until Lambs Become Lions from Robin Hood. Robin says that it means never give up. I always want to add and never surrender. That was from another movie, I think. If you remember what it was, let me know.
Then there was The Biggest Loser last week. I don't watch much, but read what happened the next day. I noticed that in the show they brought back two of the previous winners. One, a woman who seemed to be to be doing well and one, a man who had gained back much of the weight he lost. That made me question why. He kept it off for a year and half, but then what happened? He was empowered at first then lost momentum. He did great at the Biggest Loser Ranch with trainers, a chef and support from the other contestants. Going home, what then? Yes, it's certainly fantastic if you have support from friends and family, I certainly do, but really the only person who can rise up and decide to change and stick to it is you. There are no excuses. We come up with them; not enough time, didn't feel like it, the weather was lousy, I don't know, excuses seem to creep up from who-knows-where and stick. If you want to change you and only you have the power to make that happen. You create your own fate. You have to take a chance. I thought I had trouble with this when it came to work: I was employed, then unemployed and now not really doing what I want and there are not many jobs out there for me. But what I recognized was that because I choose to work in a certain profession and study, I have chosen my direction, it hasn't been decided for me. It just happens that there are not that many positions for the path I've chosen at the moment. Sure in this instance I could say that I don't have complete control over my destiny, well, maybe not, but there certainly are aspects of your life that you do have control of and your health and well-being are among them. You can decide to be healthy, to exercise, and eat well. I'm fortunate, I have a boyfriend who got me into fitness, and friends that I dance with and have become a support system (even if they don't know it) and a great family. Even if you don't feel you have that, then you have to make a conscious decision that this is what you want. No one wants to eat healthy food with you, then you just make it for your self. No one wants to workout with you, then you do it alone or you find people who do. I guarantee you that there are people out there who are willing and want to do these things with you, you just have to find them and if not, then you do this for yourself, because you are what matters and whatever it is you want, you should go for it and never give up, and never surrender. Bottom line is you need to do what you want and makes you happy;no one else is going to do it for you and it isn't just going to happen because of destiny.

I promise to have a lighter post soon. Thanks for sticking it out.


  1. Good thoughts, and true. While we're ultimately the ones who decide what we're going to eat and how well we're going to take care of ourselves, we're also social creatures, which is why, I can't help but think, that programs such as Weight Watchers, which emphasizes group support, is so much more effective than solo plans, especially for you ladies. Not to be sexist, but you women are much more relationally-oriented than us guys. The fact that you're able to do this on your own (albeit with the moral support of Mark and others) is a testimony to your inner strength. You do good, girl! Love ya-- Dad

  2. Thanks, dad!
    Very true. I can and do sometimes prefer to workout on my own, in the gym. However, I'm not truly alone as it's a motivator to workout near people who are also there, even if I don't know them. (See, I can lift as much as you can). We tend to do better with the support of others and may need to seek these people out. Take a group class (dance, yoga, pilates, or something else), join a group like Weight Watchers, or just get together with other like-minded people for a hike or bike ride. Whatever you do, be sure it's fun and you enjoy it. Fitness, eating well and achieving good health shouldn't be a chore.

  3. I totally agree. I know a lot of folks who won't take any responsibility for where they are in life. I chose, what some might call, a really dumb "profession", but I chose it, and so I take the lumps of annoying day jobs and barely scraping by as a part of my choice. I own it. Good, bad ugly, fun and silly. It's mine.
    You've always been one to work hard and forge ahead. You have tremendous focus and drive that I frequently feel I lack. I admire you for your strength and determination! Inspiring others is definitely something you can do!
    If I was more like you, I'd be famous already! :-)
    Thanks so much for the insights-
    and healthy living winds up being cheaper in the long run, and it'll possibly create a longer run-so yay!!

  4. Awe, thanks. I'm not famous either, but that is okay. Just picked up the new Fitness RX magazine: and there is a brief on how happy people are healthier from a study in the European Heart Journal. Here is a longer article in Science Daily about the same study:
    Read it it's interesting.
    Lastly, I read this some where and think it's worth sharing, it's an assignment. I want you to only think and say good thoughts about yourself for a week. Nothing negative about yourself, no putting yourself down in any way. Let me know how that turns out.


Happy New Year!

  What a year 2020 was! So much so I let this blog slip through the cracks!  Well it’s a new year and I have just posted a new workout video...