Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Healthy Cooking and Eating

This past weekend Paula Deen, celebrity chef on the Food Network announced that she does indeed have Type2 diabetes. Type2 diabetes is also known as adult-onset diabetes. It can be the result of heredity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and being overweight. It's not certain what caused Deens', however she is known as the queen of southern cooking and is overweight. It isn't uncommon for chefs to be heavy. They work long hours, tend to create dishes that include lots of butter, sugar and sodium, may be fried and snack on these foods while working. The Food Network will be launching a new show later this month called Fat Chef that will focus on chefs and people in the food industry across the country. These people will talk and work with fitness and nutrition experts to identify their issues and how to handle them. Not all chefs are overweight, so there must be something they are doing differently.

There are certainly ways to create healthy, less fattening meals that are still delicious. It's not only important for people in the food industry to learn how to cook this way, but also the rest of us. We should be able to go to a restaurant and order a low fat, low calorie, meal that is high on taste. We should also be able to buy a cookbook from our favorite chefs and prepare our own meals that won't do a number on our waistlines. One book out there is Clean Eating by Tosca Reno. It's full of healthy choices.

Let's hope that with Deens' news of diabetes she learns new ways of cooking/eating and shares that with the rest of us.

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