Friday, February 10, 2012

Fitness, Where to Start

This week I was talking with a friend when he said " I have a silly question to ask you. I've never really worked out before. How do I start?" First off that is not a silly question. I actually love that question. As a fitness professional or someone who works out a lot, we often forget how we started and we just do it! Second the fact that he asked the question means he already started. The first step to fitness and a healthy lifestyle is deciding that it's something you want and reaching out to someone who can help you achieve your goals. The next step whether you work with a trainer or not is to identify your long and short term goals. Make sure you have realistic time frames set up for your goals. Realize that losing large amounts of weight and toning muscles will take time. You didn't become overweight or out of shape overnight so you can't expect to become fit and healthy overnight either. With each day you will get stronger and more healthy and it will have great results down the road. Don't get discouraged if you don't reach your goals right away, give yourself rewards each time you do accomplish a goal. This will help keep you motivated. Adding workouts to your schedule is half of your fitness plan, don't forget the other half is eating healthy meals.

You've got a list of goals set up, now what?
You'll need to determine what your fitness level. A trainer will asses this with you but you can do this on your own. If you haven't worked out at all then any exercise will be a great place to start. For newbies classes are a great introduction into fitness. Having a dedicated time and place to be and being surrounded by other people will keep you motivated and committed. Don't be intimidated when you join a class, walk into the weight room or at the sight of the machines. If you don't know how to do something, ask someone. Everyone had to start somewhere and the instructor, trainer or gym personnel will be more than willing to help set you up and show you how something works. They want you to work out safely and succeed as much as you do.
Ideally you want to work out 3 -5 times a week and with at least 150 min of moderate-intense exercise. If you are new however, don't overdo it. Your body will more than likely be in shock after the first few workouts as it won't be used to this at all. Be ready to be sore. Resistance and cardio training is best. This will help you shed the fat and tone the muscles. You can do in the same workout such as with circuits or spread over different days, so weights one day and running/walking the next. Not sure what exercises to do or how to do them? The internet is a great resource. There are many sites that have workouts set up that you can follow and videos that show you proper form and movement.
Here are a couple to get you started:

You've made the first step now keep moving forward. You'll be well on your way to living that healthy lifestyle you desire in no time.
Stay committed and motivated!
Happy exercising!

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Happy New Year!

  What a year 2020 was! So much so I let this blog slip through the cracks!  Well it’s a new year and I have just posted a new workout video...