Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Taking Care of a Cold

Being sidelined from exercise can be frustrating. I'd rather be wiping sweat from my face than blowing my nose, but getting a cold can happen to the best of us. Working out and eating well both help to keep the body healthy but those nasty germs are lurking everywhere and it only takes forgetting to wash your hands once and your defenses are compromised. Resting up, drinking tea and continuing to eat healthful foods will get you back to life before the cold. Be patient, I know it's hard. Unfortunately I haven't been able to continue on the 30-day shred, but hope to get back to it in no time. In the meantime I've watched the Olympics keeping the exercise spirit alive and reading interesting articles such as this one about The Biggest Loser.
It questions the lengths the show goes to have the obese contestants lose large amounts of weight. Losing that kind of weight in such a short amount of time for people who haven't been active at all, may not be as good as it sounds. The contestants have medical staff, trainers and nutritionists assisting them, however many have had injuries and health issues. Many have also gained back much or all the weight they lost once they return home. I've often wondered about this. It makes sense. Although I may not agree with much about the show, I still think that it's good that there is a show that talks about obesity and shows what you can do about it. The one thing I was disheartened but not surprised to read about was the contestants gaining back the weight. It's sad to think they don't stay motivated or have the support to help them continue down the healthy path. Everyone has those days that they don't feel like working out or decide to eat whatever they want, but it's important to get back on track. I'm thankful to have both motivation and support I wish that for everyone.
Now for the road to recovery.

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Happy New Year!

  What a year 2020 was! So much so I let this blog slip through the cracks!  Well it’s a new year and I have just posted a new workout video...