Saturday, February 20, 2010

30-Day Shred

Seems that with every new post I have a new follower. I like that!
I hope everyone has been enjoying the Olympics! Watching the men's 30k pursuit in cross-country and if you want the best workout ever, try cross-country skiing. It works everything, arms, abs and legs!

It sounds ghastly, but you are supposed to get results so I'm trying it. The 30-day shred is a DVD from Jillian Michaels. I know I sound like a Jillian Michaels groupie but it's just that she seems to know what she is doing to have gotten where she is. There are other fitness people I like, Tosca Reno for clean-eating and Jackie Warner for fitness exercises as well.
Anyhow back to the shred. It's expected you can complete in 30 days with great results.I should mention all you need are a mat and dumbbell pair. There are 3 levels. I completed level one today. Level one consisted of a 20-minute workout from warm-up (2-min) to cool-down. It doesn't sound long, like the podcast circuit training I'm also doing, but believe me you will feel like you've done twice as long. There are 3 circuits in level one. Each circuit has 3 min of strength, 2 minutes of cardio and 1 minute of abs. Strength is using weights and doing a combo move, so a static lunge with a bicept curl, or a squat with a shoulder press. Cardio is pretty basic, jumping jacks, jump rope, minus the rope and abs are simple as well, crunch, reverse crunch or a bicycle crunch. My dumbbells are 12 pounds each and that was hard for me, (normally it isn't) so I suggest starting with lower weights, but as high as you can stand it. So I'd probably change depending on each exercise. 12 pound for a lying flye but 8 pounds for the squat with the shoulder press. The strategy is to stay at each level until you feel you can move on, so I'm aiming to stay at level one for maybe 10 days (10 workout days as I won't be doing consecutively) and so on. I think this will be a good workout to throw into the week when you don't have a lot of time but want to make the best of the time you do have. My proposed weekly workout will be as follows: Sun, dance classes, Mon; 30-day shred or the gym, Tues: dance practice, Wed, gym, Thu: dance classes, Fri: rest and Sat: gym,workout outside, dance practice or just up in the air.

Try it, it really is easy to follow and is not about set/reps but what you can do in 3, 2 or 1 minute. You can do at home and don't need much equipment. Will let you know each time I do the workout what kind of progress I've made.

Back to the Olympics and off to make dinner.
Tonight it looks to be cod in a coconut milk curry.


  1. The workout sounds interesting. Now about the recipe for the coconut cod??

    p.s. How about a writing sometime how you trained for Mt. Kilamangaro? ( sp?)

  2. Thanks, yes, what you like to know about cod curry? It actually turned out okay, I didn't really have a clue as to what I was doing but I made it work. Cod, garlic, green onions, mushrooms,rice, coconut milk and curry powder along with other spices that seem appropriate.

    Training for Kili wasn't too difficult, but would be good to explain when the months get warmer and going hiking is not through the snow or mud.

  3. Way to go, Lori! What an ambitious exercise schedule. I'm interested in this 30 Day Shred program. While I do quite a bit of cardio, I hate weight lifting in the gym. Update us on how the next few shred workouts work for you. Thanks!


Happy New Year!

  What a year 2020 was! So much so I let this blog slip through the cracks!  Well it’s a new year and I have just posted a new workout video...