Thursday, November 9, 2017

Fear and Intimidation Part 2

I originally wrote the following blog post back in 2012. Since then I've tried all sorts of things. I rode in the Air Force Cycling Challenge twice (I have since 2012 fallen off by bike), run several races, became a Jillian Michaels Bodyshred certified instructor and continued to create new stuff for the fitness business, some of which has succeeded and some that has failed. You have to try things in order to succeed or even fail. With both you will discover new insight into you as a person and what works and what doesn't. This keeps you moving forward. Otherwise you will stay in one spot and that doesn't allow for growth. You will never realize your capabilities. Trust me, it's not easy to face the unknown, but can be so worth it!

Read the blog post below and challenge yourself to try one new thing a week; a new food, exercise, way of doing something, sign up for an activity, event, go somewhere new, with someone or eek alone. Decide it, commit to it and do it! Don't let fear and intimidation stop you! Now, I need to finish my practical yoga course that I've had since March and although have gone through the course once, I haven't felt brave enough to take the exam yet. Time to just do it!
Oh and on my New things to try list in 2018? Complete one triathlon. :)

Saturday June 16, 2012
Fear and Intimidation

How many times have you said to yourself or someone else, no, I don't want to do that, what if it's hard, scary, I can't do it, people might judge me? Trying something new is always intimidating. It doesn't matter if it's something that seems big or small. I can tell you from personal experience, fear of something new could have been my middle name. I realized that it was fear of the unknown. For me, I was afraid that it might be hard and I wouldn't be able to do it and those that could might laugh at me. I know there are things that I didn't do, that now I wish I had. I've learned now that it's important to try something new/different because if you don't, how will you ever know that you are good at it or like it? You may not like it or be good at it, but if you never try, you'll never know.

I was in the gym today and after class was in the weight room waiting to see if a couple of my friends were going to join me, they did. It was interesting because one said,"I've never even been in this room before", and the other said, "I've always been a little intimidated in here." To me the weight room is like a grown-up playground with lots of ways to exercise and challenge your body/muscles. The more I see people do, the more I challenge myself. I had to think back on when I felt the same as these ladies, and its been a while, but I certainly felt that way the first time I walked into a gym. I was so happy to be able to show them my workout and have them try it with me. On the other hand, both of these two had done things that I never have. Running races and cycling in a bike ride challenge.  Now, I haven't run in a race yet, but it's on my Things to Try List, but I did complete a cycling challenge a week ago.

The ride was part of the Air Force Cycling Challenge. It took place in Crystal City, VA and was a set course that you rode as many laps as you could in the 3.5 hours allotted time frame. I completed four laps (37.2 miles). Before registering, which took me a week by the way, I knew in my head that I could do it, so why the hesitation? I didn't know what it would be like, what if we were all bunched up the whole time and you couldn't see anything and someone went slow and you couldn't get around, I'd fall for sure, (I've yet to fall off my bike). I had in my minds eye, the peleton of the professional cycling races that I watch frequently, which is NOT what this was like. I had made myself nervous even before knowing what it would be like, now that I do, I can't wait until next year and see if I can do better.

Creating a fitness business was a new experience that I never would be doing if I hadn't tried, now I'm personal training and teaching a bootcamp class. Time to get out there and not let new challenges pass you by. Your mission is to try something new/different once a week. It can be anything from a new food, new sport, class, exercise or experience, like walking into the weight room at the gym. Do it, the time is now, you may even find you are really good at it or like it! Don't let fear and intimidation rule you, conquer it!

Yours in fitness,

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Happy New Year!

  What a year 2020 was! So much so I let this blog slip through the cracks!  Well it’s a new year and I have just posted a new workout video...