Thursday, November 2, 2017

Bringing mindfulness to your life and fitness practice

We all know what a mind full is. Every day life is full of "stuff". We have to get stuff done, we go and do stuff, see stuff, use stuff. And we never seem to have enough time for all the stuff. We are easily engaged and distracted, all at the same time. Sometimes our days get pretty routine. It's like the same thing, different day. We think of things we did, said or have been in the past and we look to all the things and places that we need to do or go in the future.  But do we spend much time in the present?

What is mindfulness? Mindfulness can be described as being present, in the moment. Having non-judgemental awareness to everything around you. A way to slow down, relax, and just be. Sounds good, right? But how do we achieve this in our everyday life or during our fitness routine? Let's start with a couple of things you can do every day. When you first wake up, before you do anything else, take a couple of deep breaths, notice how your body feels, what the morning looks like, I don't mean what is on the calendar, I mean is there light streaming into the room, what's the temperature, what do you hear? Clear your mind of all you have to do. Set your intention for the day. Maybe during the day keep a daily gratitude journal, perform breathing exercises. or do a couple of yoga poses in the morning or at the end of the day.
In practicing mindfulness one can become calm, rest and mentally alert allowing for your focus to be inward instead of external.

How do we take this to our exercise program? Before starting your workout, no matter what that is; running, strength training, dancing, set your intention on what you hope to get out of your training.  Notice how your body feels, really from the top of your head all the way down to your feet. If you are not "feeling" it, then maybe pushing through a workout, just to get one done, isn't what you need. I've been there. I used to just push through exercises even when I wasn't up for it, it just didn't feel right and sometimes, that was fine, but other times it made for an unpleasant, painful workout that I regretted later. Also there should be a conscious mind-body connection throughout a workout. We should always be aware of what each muscle is telling us. We should also be using correct posture (really all the time), this will keep the energy flowing throughout the body.

Next, no matter where you are, be aware of your environment. Is it warm, cold, what do you hear, smell? What's the space around you like? Do you have everything you need? Realize there may be distractions, so how can you keep these at bay as much as possible?

Stay focused, your workout is what you have intended to accomplish. Yes, your mind will wander, or you'll start to just go through the motions, but if you can stay motivated, less distracted and focused on what your are doing and how it feels you'll make your fitness practice a more mindful one.

Lastly, your breathing technique is key. The rhythm of your breath is what keeps the mind-body connection. Breath awareness keeps you present. Stay present.

We all live busy lives and have busy minds. However, if you try some or all of these techniques throughout your day and during your fitness practice and I think you will start to feel more connected, less stressed and you'll be able to quiet your busy mind more often.

Mindfulness not Mind Full.

Yours in fitness,


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