Thursday, October 26, 2017

Time to focus on our "whys".

It's been a while, ok, quite a while since my last blog post. Life gets like that sometimes. You have all sorts of intentions, creative ideas, ways in which you want to propel yourself forward. You start, then stall and eventually stop. My fitness business has been like this. It's not my full-time gig, so I'm not working on it all the time. I was at a huge fitness convention a couple of months ago. It was a time and place for all those in fitness; trainers, instructors, business people, nutritionists, products to come together and share the latest and greatest with all of us in the fitness craze. I took workshops, workouts, and attended lectures. I came home all abuzz about what new things I wanted to implement and share with all of you. I was on a creative high, then I procrastinated and well, here we are.

This is not to say I haven't worked on my classes or trainings, but I've been slow out of the gate to get other directives like social media and marketing going on any grand scale. This works in other parts of our lives as well. How many of us have said that we need to go on a diet, start an exercise program, spend more time doing things with our family, friends, or colleagues only to go out gung-ho and then over time have it fall by the wayside? Motivation is key. We need to not lose sight of our "why". Find your "why" and hang onto it. Why do you want to eat more healthy foods? Why do you want to start exercising more? Why do you want to spend more time with friends and loved ones? Why do you want to expand your fitness business? Oh yes, I want to expand my fitness business to help all of you with your "whys". So here I am. Over the next few months, I will be putting more time and effort into Because You Can Fitness in order to gear up for the 2018 season. Although classes and personal training will be continual, many of the outdoor events and activities will go on hiatus for the winter months. Don't worry, the ocassional outing will still be scheduled. I'm hoping to really ramp up 2018 with new offerings as well as some of the same things we've enjoyed in the past.
I really do hope to get a blog post out to you on a weekly basis and continue with a monthly newsletter. There may be some updates to the website, such as paying for classes and trainings online and I hope to bring in workshops that focus on other forms of exercise and nutrition.

Stay tuned and please continue to follow me. Together we will keep our "whys" in front of us and not let them fall by the wayside.

Yours in fitness,

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Happy New Year!

  What a year 2020 was! So much so I let this blog slip through the cracks!  Well it’s a new year and I have just posted a new workout video...