Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Beach Ready Body

With spring on its way and summer around the corner a beach ready body is what I'm thinking about. So I went to the gym tonight and did the Jillian Michaels Beach Ready Bootcamp podcast. It's a podcast found on iTunes. The workout consists of four circuits. Each circuit is made up of four different exercises done in three sets. Each set has 10-20 reps of the movements. The first two times I've done this podcast I only managed to get through the first two circuits. Tonight I went through the all four circuits. I know, amazing right. Well, I went through the first three doing all three sets but the fourth one I only did the first set, it was a good hour of exercise. Some of the great moves in the third circuit included dead lifts with bicept curls, flyes and crunches. Some of these were done on the body ball. That is a good prop to have for workouts. By lying on the ball you engage core muscles in keeping balance so you work more than just the target muscles. With the flyes, crunches and tricept press you lie with your head, neck and back on the ball and keeping stable with your legs. It makes for a little tougher workout and helps to get you on the road to a beach ready body.

On Saturday I mentioned that I went cycling and a neat news bit about cycling today, Google has launched Google Maps with bike directions. Check it out the next time you want to go somewhere by bike. I did and it has a few good features.
Dance classes tomorrow and then on to the weekend. The weather doesn't look great so it may be indoor gym time instead of outdoor, but as long as we keep at it in some fashion.

1 comment:

  1. Cool! Keep up the good work. Glad you got to enjoy some sun today while you worked.


Happy New Year!

  What a year 2020 was! So much so I let this blog slip through the cracks!  Well it’s a new year and I have just posted a new workout video...