Thursday, December 21, 2017

10-Day Holiday Healthy Lifestyle Challenge

Happy Holidays Fitness Friends,
The holidays are here again and I know we all get caught up in shopping, movies, parties, eating, and um, not exercising. Don't fret, taking a little time off from your usual exercise routine or healthy eating isn't going to sabotage all your hard work from the rest rest of the year. However, I know some of you would feel better if you had something to challenge you through the holidays. I was going to make this just a workout challenge, but, this is  a crazy time of the year, so I want us to be mindful of all aspects of our life and do something good for ourselves for the next 10 days. This challenge will start Saturday December 23 and go through to January 1.
Here is how this challenge will work: You will be given one exercise, one nutrition tip and one self care exercise to complete each day. Every day you will combine the previous day with the current day so that by the end of 10 days, you will have 10 exercises, 10 nutrition tips and 10 self care exercises.
I will give you all of them now.  Please post comments below or on the Facebook posts on how your challenge is going.  Ready? Let's Go!.

Day 1
Exercise: Walk somewhere/anywhere for 15-20 min
Nutrition: Drink a glass of water
Self Care: Take 5 mindful deep breaths in and release slowly because you are probably somewhere where you need to slow down and breathe (it's two days before Christmas after all)

Day 2
Exercise: Take the stairs or do some step ups at least 5 min, and add that walk
Nutrition: Eat a piece of fruit, you can add it to the glass of water
Self Care: Roll your shoulders back 3-4 times, forward 2-3 times and back again 3-4 times and add your 5 deep breathes

You see how this is working by adding to each day?

Day 3 Oh boy, it's Christmas!
Exercise: Squats probably from picking up all that wrapping paper from the floor. 30-40 total, break it down however you like
Nutrition: Eat slowly
Self Care: Take 5 minutes and  find a quiet corner and pause, let your mind and thoughts be quiet

Day 4
Exercise: Jog in place for 3 min. You are either at work or maybe standing in line returning stuff
Nutrition: Eat breakfast
Self Care: Stand up or lie down and stretch from the tips of your fingers all the way through your toes

Day 5 Halfway there!
Exercise: Biceps curls 30-40 total. Let's face it, we need to be able lift our Champagne glass in a few days, let's do it with strength
Nutrition: Drink only one cup of coffee or other caffeinated beverage
Self Care: Stay positive

Day 6
Exercise: Triceps dips from a chair, bench on the floor because let's face it we don't want the biceps to steal the show
Nutrition: Skip the salt
Self Care: Spend 30 minutes writing your thoughts down in a journal

Day 7
Exercise: 10-15 minutes of movement, jump rope, dance, run, whatever, just move!
Nutrition: Drink a second glass of water
Self Care: Get enough sleep

Day 8
Exercise: Lunges, your choice 30-40 total
Nutrition: Eat a serving of vegetables, remember those?
Self Care: Laugh

Day 9 Last Day of the Year!
Exercise: Front/lateral raises 30-40 total
Nutrition: Sip your beverages
Self Care: Forward fold stretch and a nice roll back up one vertebrae at a time

Day 10 Happy New Year!
Exercise: Yes, we are starting the new year with an ab exercise, you choose sit ups, plank, ab twist
Nutrition: Make a healthy meal plan for the new year
Self Care: Set your intention for the new year

Congratulations! You made it through the 10-day challenge and by now you should feel better, be less stressed and have a healthy plan for the coming year! 

Wishing you all the best this holiday season!

Yours in fitness,

Friday, December 1, 2017

Are you a superhero?

Wonder Woman, Thor, Justice League, the Avengers, we are living in a world where we are drawn to these movies, because, yes the action and CGI are amazing, but in uncertain times, we deep down wish that these superheros really existed in our universe. That these beings with special powers who want to save mankind could swoop in and make everything alright with our world. But what is a hero, what do all of them have in common?

A hero is defined as:


1. a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.

So based on that definition of a hero, one does not have to be able to fly, shoot lasers from your eyes or webs from your hands, or have super gigantic muscles and smash things.
Let's take a look at who some of these figures actually are. Superman and Supergirl are from another planet, Thor comes from another universe from the Gods. Wonder Woman, Black Panther and Aquaman are of this planet, but also have connections with the Gods. Spiderman was bitten by an irradiated spider, giving him special abilities and The Hulk was caught in a gamma radiation blast that makes him a green smashing machine when angry. Batman and Ironman are both ridiculously wealthy humans with no special superhuman powers except that they have the resources and knowledge to create with technology superhuman suits and gadgets. These commonalities run throughout the superhero universe. They are from other planets or universes, they were created by the Gods or connected to the Gods, they had some kind of accident that gave them abilities or they were created here by the use of knowledge and technology. These things make them special, but what makes them a hero? As the image states above, they all want to use what they have for the greater good and it all starts with a kind heart. Those qualities make a superhero a hero. 

Are you a Superhero? What qualities or abilities do you have that you can use to make the world a better place one small or big piece at a time? What do you do everyday that makes someones else's day just a little brighter? Do you smile at everyone you meet, do you lend a helping hand or let someone know they can count on you, do you make a donation to an organization that is doing good work, or call your politicians when you think they need to vote a certain way? You don't need a cape or mask or super abilities to be someones hero. A superhero shirt might help, just kidding. You don't need to be wealthy in the monetary sense. You just need the desire to use who you already are to work for the greater good using kindness.

List one thing below in the comments section that makes you a superhero. I look forward to seeing what everyone is doing to make this world a better place in their own special way!

Now, if you do want to add the hulking muscles or ability to run, swim, or smash like a hero, then let's get down to business with the following workout:

3 Sets 12-15 Reps for each exercise, use your desired weight
3-5 min warmup (rowing/running)

1.   Side to side wide squat
2.   Squat with Arnold hold into a press
3.   Chop lunge
4.   Reverse lunge-hammer curl-front kick
5.   Mountain climbers
6.   Deadlifts
7.   Bear crawls
8.   Single arm row-triceps kickback
9.   Pushups
10. Regular crunch
11. Reverse crunch
12. Plank 30 sec each

3-5 min cool down

Be a Superhero today!

Yours in Fitness,

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Gratitude and your Thanksgiving Workout

Hello fitness friends,
With next week being Thanksgiving, I will not be sending out a blog post, I will be eating. :)
When I think of this holiday, I don't think of turkey or the first feast, I think of gratitude. I think of all that I am grateful for. My family, friends and fitness. That I wake up and am able to go about my day however I chose. That I have a supportive network of people and an abled body that I try hard to take care of. The dinner and football are fun things about Thanksgiving, however don't lose sight of what you are truly grateful for. Take this opportunity to express your gratitude!

After we eat, we workout, okay you can watch football first then workout. The following workout is lower body and core. It will be good to get the lower body moving after all the sitting and eating.

Warmup for 3-5 min
Skier squats 3 sets 12-15 reps
Alternating lunges 3 sets 12-16 reps
Plie' squats and pulses 3 sets 10 reps
Calf raises 3 sets 20 reps
Side lunges 3 sets 12-14 reps
Split squats 3 sets 12-15 reps
Deadlifts 3 sets 12-15 reps
Hip lifts 3 sets 15 reps
Double leg drop 3 sets 12-15 reps
Scissor kicks 3 sets 12 reps
Seated ab twist 3 sets 16 reps
Crunch with weight 3 sets 12-15 reps
Reverse crunch 3 sets 15 reps

I have a video of this workout:

Have a fantastic holiday and I will be posting to this blog in two weeks!

Yours in fitness,

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Fear and Intimidation Part 2

I originally wrote the following blog post back in 2012. Since then I've tried all sorts of things. I rode in the Air Force Cycling Challenge twice (I have since 2012 fallen off by bike), run several races, became a Jillian Michaels Bodyshred certified instructor and continued to create new stuff for the fitness business, some of which has succeeded and some that has failed. You have to try things in order to succeed or even fail. With both you will discover new insight into you as a person and what works and what doesn't. This keeps you moving forward. Otherwise you will stay in one spot and that doesn't allow for growth. You will never realize your capabilities. Trust me, it's not easy to face the unknown, but can be so worth it!

Read the blog post below and challenge yourself to try one new thing a week; a new food, exercise, way of doing something, sign up for an activity, event, go somewhere new, with someone or eek alone. Decide it, commit to it and do it! Don't let fear and intimidation stop you! Now, I need to finish my practical yoga course that I've had since March and although have gone through the course once, I haven't felt brave enough to take the exam yet. Time to just do it!
Oh and on my New things to try list in 2018? Complete one triathlon. :)

Saturday June 16, 2012
Fear and Intimidation

How many times have you said to yourself or someone else, no, I don't want to do that, what if it's hard, scary, I can't do it, people might judge me? Trying something new is always intimidating. It doesn't matter if it's something that seems big or small. I can tell you from personal experience, fear of something new could have been my middle name. I realized that it was fear of the unknown. For me, I was afraid that it might be hard and I wouldn't be able to do it and those that could might laugh at me. I know there are things that I didn't do, that now I wish I had. I've learned now that it's important to try something new/different because if you don't, how will you ever know that you are good at it or like it? You may not like it or be good at it, but if you never try, you'll never know.

I was in the gym today and after class was in the weight room waiting to see if a couple of my friends were going to join me, they did. It was interesting because one said,"I've never even been in this room before", and the other said, "I've always been a little intimidated in here." To me the weight room is like a grown-up playground with lots of ways to exercise and challenge your body/muscles. The more I see people do, the more I challenge myself. I had to think back on when I felt the same as these ladies, and its been a while, but I certainly felt that way the first time I walked into a gym. I was so happy to be able to show them my workout and have them try it with me. On the other hand, both of these two had done things that I never have. Running races and cycling in a bike ride challenge.  Now, I haven't run in a race yet, but it's on my Things to Try List, but I did complete a cycling challenge a week ago.

The ride was part of the Air Force Cycling Challenge. It took place in Crystal City, VA and was a set course that you rode as many laps as you could in the 3.5 hours allotted time frame. I completed four laps (37.2 miles). Before registering, which took me a week by the way, I knew in my head that I could do it, so why the hesitation? I didn't know what it would be like, what if we were all bunched up the whole time and you couldn't see anything and someone went slow and you couldn't get around, I'd fall for sure, (I've yet to fall off my bike). I had in my minds eye, the peleton of the professional cycling races that I watch frequently, which is NOT what this was like. I had made myself nervous even before knowing what it would be like, now that I do, I can't wait until next year and see if I can do better.

Creating a fitness business was a new experience that I never would be doing if I hadn't tried, now I'm personal training and teaching a bootcamp class. Time to get out there and not let new challenges pass you by. Your mission is to try something new/different once a week. It can be anything from a new food, new sport, class, exercise or experience, like walking into the weight room at the gym. Do it, the time is now, you may even find you are really good at it or like it! Don't let fear and intimidation rule you, conquer it!

Yours in fitness,

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Bringing mindfulness to your life and fitness practice

We all know what a mind full is. Every day life is full of "stuff". We have to get stuff done, we go and do stuff, see stuff, use stuff. And we never seem to have enough time for all the stuff. We are easily engaged and distracted, all at the same time. Sometimes our days get pretty routine. It's like the same thing, different day. We think of things we did, said or have been in the past and we look to all the things and places that we need to do or go in the future.  But do we spend much time in the present?

What is mindfulness? Mindfulness can be described as being present, in the moment. Having non-judgemental awareness to everything around you. A way to slow down, relax, and just be. Sounds good, right? But how do we achieve this in our everyday life or during our fitness routine? Let's start with a couple of things you can do every day. When you first wake up, before you do anything else, take a couple of deep breaths, notice how your body feels, what the morning looks like, I don't mean what is on the calendar, I mean is there light streaming into the room, what's the temperature, what do you hear? Clear your mind of all you have to do. Set your intention for the day. Maybe during the day keep a daily gratitude journal, perform breathing exercises. or do a couple of yoga poses in the morning or at the end of the day.
In practicing mindfulness one can become calm, rest and mentally alert allowing for your focus to be inward instead of external.

How do we take this to our exercise program? Before starting your workout, no matter what that is; running, strength training, dancing, set your intention on what you hope to get out of your training.  Notice how your body feels, really from the top of your head all the way down to your feet. If you are not "feeling" it, then maybe pushing through a workout, just to get one done, isn't what you need. I've been there. I used to just push through exercises even when I wasn't up for it, it just didn't feel right and sometimes, that was fine, but other times it made for an unpleasant, painful workout that I regretted later. Also there should be a conscious mind-body connection throughout a workout. We should always be aware of what each muscle is telling us. We should also be using correct posture (really all the time), this will keep the energy flowing throughout the body.

Next, no matter where you are, be aware of your environment. Is it warm, cold, what do you hear, smell? What's the space around you like? Do you have everything you need? Realize there may be distractions, so how can you keep these at bay as much as possible?

Stay focused, your workout is what you have intended to accomplish. Yes, your mind will wander, or you'll start to just go through the motions, but if you can stay motivated, less distracted and focused on what your are doing and how it feels you'll make your fitness practice a more mindful one.

Lastly, your breathing technique is key. The rhythm of your breath is what keeps the mind-body connection. Breath awareness keeps you present. Stay present.

We all live busy lives and have busy minds. However, if you try some or all of these techniques throughout your day and during your fitness practice and I think you will start to feel more connected, less stressed and you'll be able to quiet your busy mind more often.

Mindfulness not Mind Full.

Yours in fitness,


Thursday, October 26, 2017

Time to focus on our "whys".

It's been a while, ok, quite a while since my last blog post. Life gets like that sometimes. You have all sorts of intentions, creative ideas, ways in which you want to propel yourself forward. You start, then stall and eventually stop. My fitness business has been like this. It's not my full-time gig, so I'm not working on it all the time. I was at a huge fitness convention a couple of months ago. It was a time and place for all those in fitness; trainers, instructors, business people, nutritionists, products to come together and share the latest and greatest with all of us in the fitness craze. I took workshops, workouts, and attended lectures. I came home all abuzz about what new things I wanted to implement and share with all of you. I was on a creative high, then I procrastinated and well, here we are.

This is not to say I haven't worked on my classes or trainings, but I've been slow out of the gate to get other directives like social media and marketing going on any grand scale. This works in other parts of our lives as well. How many of us have said that we need to go on a diet, start an exercise program, spend more time doing things with our family, friends, or colleagues only to go out gung-ho and then over time have it fall by the wayside? Motivation is key. We need to not lose sight of our "why". Find your "why" and hang onto it. Why do you want to eat more healthy foods? Why do you want to start exercising more? Why do you want to spend more time with friends and loved ones? Why do you want to expand your fitness business? Oh yes, I want to expand my fitness business to help all of you with your "whys". So here I am. Over the next few months, I will be putting more time and effort into Because You Can Fitness in order to gear up for the 2018 season. Although classes and personal training will be continual, many of the outdoor events and activities will go on hiatus for the winter months. Don't worry, the ocassional outing will still be scheduled. I'm hoping to really ramp up 2018 with new offerings as well as some of the same things we've enjoyed in the past.
I really do hope to get a blog post out to you on a weekly basis and continue with a monthly newsletter. There may be some updates to the website, such as paying for classes and trainings online and I hope to bring in workshops that focus on other forms of exercise and nutrition.

Stay tuned and please continue to follow me. Together we will keep our "whys" in front of us and not let them fall by the wayside.

Yours in fitness,

Happy New Year!

  What a year 2020 was! So much so I let this blog slip through the cracks!  Well it’s a new year and I have just posted a new workout video...