Friday, May 31, 2019

Your transformations inspire me. It's why I love what I do. Thank you!

I was reminded again last night why I work hard to put together fitness programs, workouts, and classes for all of you that will work for each and every one of you. I sit down each week and carefully think about each of you, your goals, your fitness levels and try and come up with something that is challenging, yet fun and something that is going to make you feel great about yourself, because you are all awesome! For the past three weeks BYC has been running, literally, a Train to Run program. The idea is not to become the fastest runner in town, I mean if you do, hooray, if you don't, that's good too. The idea of the program is to get you interested in running as a form of exercise that hopefully you don't hate and to give you something you can set goals to, like running/completing your first 5k.
This program isn't exactly new, I ran it a few years ago. I had nearly forgotten about it until one of my bootcamp students started talking about how she'd like to get into running. So I dusted it off and we got started. This is a small group, however the encouragement they give each other is huge! When I see them complete what I set out for them after they swore they couldn't do it, its amazing!
Your transformations of attitude and mindset as well as physical are what inspire me to keep working with your best interests at heart. When I hear things like: "I did that", "I feel so much more confident", "I want to run my first 5k", "I don't have that same fear of falling", "I noticed I have muscles", makes me continue to love what I do. You are all Fitness Rock Stars! You can do it!  Keep up the great work!

Thank you for continuing to be my inspiration!

Yours in fitness,

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