Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Are you a superhero?

Hi everyone,
I posted this a couple of years ago and decided to re-post as I think we need to continue to be superheros in our own way.

Wonder Woman, Thor, Justice League, the Avengers, we are living in a world where we are drawn to these movies, because, yes the action and CGI are amazing, but in uncertain times, we deep down wish that these superheros really existed in our universe. That these beings with special powers who want to save mankind could swoop in and make everything alright with our world. But what is a hero, what do all of them have in common?

A hero is defined as:


1. a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.

So based on that definition of a hero, one does not have to be able to fly, shoot lasers from your eyes or webs from your hands, or have super gigantic muscles and smash things.
Let's take a look at who some of these figures actually are. Superman and Supergirl are from another planet, Thor comes from another universe from the Gods. Wonder Woman, Black Panther and Aquaman are of this planet, but also have connections with the Gods. Spiderman was bitten by an irradiated spider, giving him special abilities and The Hulk was caught in a gamma radiation blast that makes him a green smashing machine when angry. Batman and Ironman are both ridiculously wealthy humans with no special superhuman powers except that they have the resources and knowledge to create with technology superhuman suits and gadgets. These commonalities run throughout the superhero universe. They are from other planets or universes, they were created by the Gods or connected to the Gods, they had some kind of accident that gave them abilities or they were created here by the use of knowledge and technology. These things make them special, but what makes them a hero? As the image states above, they all want to use what they have for the greater good and it all starts with a kind heart. Those qualities make a superhero a hero. 

Are you a Superhero? What qualities or abilities do you have that you can use to make the world a better place one small or big piece at a time? What do you do everyday that makes someones else's day just a little brighter? Do you smile at everyone you meet, do you lend a helping hand or let someone know they can count on you, do you make a donation to an organization that is doing good work, or call your politicians when you think they need to vote a certain way? You don't need a cape or mask or super abilities to be someones hero. A superhero shirt might help, just kidding. You don't need to be wealthy in the monetary sense. You just need the desire to use who you already are to work for the greater good using kindness.

List one thing below in the comments section that makes you a superhero. I look forward to seeing what everyone is doing to make this world a better place in their own special way!

Now, if you do want to add the hulking muscles or ability to run, swim, or smash like a hero, then let's get down to business with the following workout:

3 Sets 12-15 Reps for each exercise, use your desired weight
3-5 min warmup (rowing/running)

1.   Side to side wide squat
2.   Squat with Arnold hold into a press
3.   Chop lunge
4.   Reverse lunge-hammer curl-front kick
5.   Mountain climbers
6.   Deadlifts
7.   Bear crawls
8.   Single arm row-triceps kickback
9.   Pushups
10. Regular crunch
11. Reverse crunch
12. Plank 30 sec each

3-5 min cool down

Be a Superhero today!

Yours in Fitness,

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