Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Holidays are Coming...along with sweet treats and goodies.

I consider the time from Halloween through to Easter to be a really difficult time to stick to healthy, clean eating. There's candy, sweet treats, pies, cookies, and all sorts of high calorie drinks that make an appearance for the better part of six months. Party and event invitations start flooding the inbox and the word "no" becomes harder and harder to utter. And why should we feel like we have to turn everything down just to keep to our diet? We don't. Here are a couple of tricks to get you through the holidays without over indulging.
Before heading out to an event or party, have a plan! Fill up on some clean snacks so you don't arrive famished. Try and stick with fruit and veggies, without loading up on dips and cheeses if possible. Small portions are key. Sip water. When drinking alcoholic beverages, drink water in between. Water will help keep you feeling full without filling up on high calories. Some of those cocktails can be 300+ calories!! Stand and move around much of the time as that will keep you from sitting at a table where it's easier to eat and drink. If you have a plan and can stick to it, you'll conquer the holidays! Finally remember that if you do indulge, not to beat yourself up. The holidays are a time of joy, so enjoy! Your workout will be ready and waiting for you the next day!

Monday, November 28, 2011

What a scale won't tell you.

Do you obsessively step on a scale every time you are at the gym? Do you see the number and get discouraged even though you know you have been eating well and keeping to a regular exercise routine? I know the feeling, it's rough. If you didn't have a scale how would you judge how you are doing? Do you have more endurance? Do your clothes feel looser or fit better? Do you feel better in general, happier? These are the things your scale can not tell you about your fitness, it can only weigh you and give you a number. You may have hit a plateau and those last 10-15 pounds you may want to lose really are the hardest.

Rather than getting frustrated, celebrate the work you have done thus far and know that you may need to adjust the workout to move over the plateau. Also remember that there are many reasons why weight fluctuates and maybe only weigh in once every couple of weeks. The number on the scale is just that and doesn't define how well you are doing. Keep up the good work and you'll reach your goals!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Workout when you are sick?

It's cold and flu season. Do you exercise when you don't feel well? A general rule is that if it is something from your neck up, so a head cold, sniffles, cough, go ahead and workout. You may want to keep it toned-down a little however and not over exert yourself. If however it's something below the neck, and you have a fever, rest may be best. Remember to eat well, exercise, rest, recover and reduce your stress and you'll lessen your chances of getting sick to begin with. Stay healthy this winter!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Food Journal

People write in journals for many things, life-changing events, daily diary, even an exercise log, but have you ever thought about keeping a journal that tracks all the food you eat? A food journal is a great tool to help you track calories, see how many times a day you are eating and recognize why you might have hit a weight loss plateau. Most of the time we eat mindlessly meaning we eat when we are hungry or when the clock says it's time for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. We grab a snack when we are watching TV just to have something to do. We have a couple of drinks when we go out for happy hour with friends not thinking about how many calories each of those drinks add up to. When you are forced to write everything down on paper, and I mean everything, you will see all the food and beverages you consume on a daily basis. It can be a real eye-opener! This tool will help you cut out some of those foods that are high in sugar, sodium, and calories and keep you eating a balanced, healthy diet. Try using a food journal for at least six months and see what changes you'll make because of what you discover.

Happy New Year!

  What a year 2020 was! So much so I let this blog slip through the cracks!  Well it’s a new year and I have just posted a new workout video...