Monday, May 9, 2011

Injuries and Getting Through Them

Having an injury or illness can keep you from everyday activities but also exercise. Although you can workout through a cold or minor injury, it's best to listen to your body and realize that as much as you may not want to, taking it easy may be best. I recently had a shoulder/arm injury. I'm not entirely sure what I hurt or what exactly I did to injure it, but have my suspicions. I'm pretty sure I pushed my limit and over worked the area. I also didn't listen to my body when I started to feel discomfort that wasn't normal. I payed a price for that. I was in serious pain and wasn't able to workout my upper body for weeks. I was also going to be dancing in a performance and didn't want to have to back out, so resting the arm was the best thing I could do. I have now begun to slowly get back into lifting weights again, but keeping things easy and listening to what my body has to say. I don't want to go through that injury again. I just finished watching WWE Tough Enough and one of the contestants ended up going home because she had a leg injury and it was clear she was in serious pain and pushing through it. Now maybe if that is your life you do what you have to, but it was the right decision to send her home, not because she wasn't tough enough, she was/is, but because she could do some terrible damage to her leg. As tough as I am, I do not think ignoring pain or illness is worth the risk of really doing irreversible damage. So please, know your limits and if you do find yourself sidelined, know that it's better to rest and recuperate so you can get back in the game than not to and be out of the game permanently.

1 comment:

  1. Good advice. By the way I saw an article today about a man who didn't become a personal trainer until he was 57! So you, my dear, are starting young!


Happy New Year!

  What a year 2020 was! So much so I let this blog slip through the cracks!  Well it’s a new year and I have just posted a new workout video...