Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Back from Ecuador/Galapagos. Absolutely Amazing!

Been almost a month since my last post. My initial intention for this blog was to keep up with it consistently. This was impossible however ,as for the last two weeks I had no access to the internet therefore I didn't have a computer in sight. I was too busy watching wildlife from land and sea! What an amazing place Ecuador including the Galapagos islands are. Most people forget that the islands are part of the country of Ecuador, thinking they are a separate country. They are most different so it's easy to come to that conclusion.

The trip, minus the getting there and away, was most memorable. I don't like the long flights, airport layovers, and for that matter anything airport related. The adventure began in and around Quito. Staying with friends in Quito we enjoyed a full day at hot springs in Papallacta with their friends and family. Having to acclimatize to the altitude, this was a great way to spend the first day. Not so easy was the next day as we visited and hiked some of Cotopaxi National Park. This was killer! Made it to the refugio at 4800m, close to 16,000 ft!

We then had one day to sightsee around old town Quito before joining the islands part of our trip. Old town was most interesting with old churches, cobblestone streets, but very crowded with cars and people.

Boat life isn't the easiest and I find myself impressed at how anyone can spend large amounts of time out to sea. Getting your sea-legs takes time and once you think you've mastered it, you find you haven't, not really. Before you know it you are back on land and in our case back to high altitude and let me just say that is the strangest feeling. Feeling sea sick and altitude sick at the same time. Most of the time on the boat was okay, but when El Capitan started the engines, it was time to make for the cabin and lie down. Fortunately most of our time was spent walking around the islands or snorkeling in the clear, although frigid waters.
The wildlife we saw! Quite incredible to land on an island, and instantly see all the species one would expect to see all within a few feet of the beach. Walking around sea lions, birds, iguanas and lizards. Many of the species inhabit all the islands, but some places, especially not inhabited by humans, were there great numbers. There were so many different species to remember them all but here goes:
Sea lions, fur sea lions, marine iguanas, 2 types of land iguanas, lava lizards, blue-footed, nazca and red footed boobies, albatross, sally lightfoot crabs, Darwin finches, mockingbirds, gulls, giant tortoises, greater flamingos, greater and magnificent frigate birds, tropic birds, pelicans, many other shore birds, and warblers. This was on land, once in the water we saw many species of fish, rays, white-tip reef sharks, green sea turtles, and Galapagos penguins. I know I've forgotten something. Anyhow, with daily trips to the islands and snorkeling we had many chances to witness the magnificence of this special place. We probably stayed fit as a result of these activities too, which was something I, for one was happy about considering the food on the boat was really good. Amazing what one person in a tiny kitchen can create, including a beautiful birthday cake!
Yes, I enjoyed a fantastic birthday, cake and all on this trip. It certainly will be one I won't easily forget.

All the wildlife aside, the islands themselves are unique. They are volcanic, so the vegetation and landscape are quite fascinating. Lave tubes, big and small, tidal pools, and sand in every color, red, black, white and green.

With the week over, we returned to Quito for a final day of sightseeing. The TeleferiQo, a gondola ride up Mount Pichincha Volcano, started our last day. The summit is at 4100m or 13, 400 ft with more hiking if one is game. We went a little further on, but was literally breath taking. The views are spectacular if you get some clearing in the fog and clouds. Then we finished up our tour with another dizzying climb to the belfry of the Basilica del Voto Nacional in old town Quito. Again wonderful views of the city.

Now home, am reliving the trip through images of which I will be sure to share.
Although not the cheapest place to visit, if the opportunity arises, Go! You won't be disappointed. Having gone into the wildlife profession, learning about Darwin and evolution, it was not a place to be missed.
Now, I have to get back into the grove of the ordinary again. At least I've got my land legs back because I'm going to need them for all the workouts and dancing yet to come!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful to read all about this. You painted a nice word picture and I'm sure the photos will fill in the rest.
    Happy Day! Glad you are back.

    Love, Mom


Happy New Year!

  What a year 2020 was! So much so I let this blog slip through the cracks!  Well it’s a new year and I have just posted a new workout video...