Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Summer Solstice

Happy Summer Solstice! Well, I'm a day late, but summer is here!
This is a good thing; long days, summer weather, getting outside for workouts and cool summer food. Bad news; well yesterday was the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere, it's all downhill from here on out. I know, you didn't want to hear that. What will you do this summer? Time to get outside, but remember to be head smart and safe in the heat and sun. Water, water, water and skin coverage. I'm all for getting your vitamin D fix and a slight tan, but be careful. Sunscreen SPF 30, hat and sunglasses. Been in the 90's for a week or more so far with more to come in the next few days here in DC and that means staying well hydrated, cool and burn free. And don't forget your pets, by checking the Humane Society's tips. It's easy to forget these things when you are enjoying yourself or just trying to beat the heat. I've already started in the outdoor fun. Hiking trails in Shenandoah NP, cycling in Rock Creek Park, and hiking in other places. Oh and the community pool has been opened since Memorial Day. Why wouldn't you want to be outside as much as possible? Nothing wrong with the gym, but this is a nice change. If you are like me, allergies might be your first response for staying in. Don't let it. Seems allergies are serious fighters, but we can fight back and win. I'm trying Zyrtec D (or rather generic version) and will hope that will help. I will do whatever I need to to keep working out outdoors. So take precautions and enjoy.
Cool food for summer means salads and light pasta dishes to me. I've had fun adding to my basic salad. Try throwing in some fruit (strawberries, mango, and tangerines are great for salads). How about nuts, walnuts, almonds, pine nuts. If you need a little more, add something like chicken, shrimp or something else you like for substance. Light vinaigrette dressing or just a splash of olive oil. Yum! You can add a little feta or some other lite cheese if you'd like.
Enjoy the summer the best you can. Don't let the heat keep you from doing what you enjoy. Get out in the kayak or hike/bike on the trail. Remember early in the morning or evening is the best time for these activities.

Have a summer blast!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like good ideas all around. The pet stores carry collapsible bowls for easy carrying if you take a dog along. Just pour water into them, it's easier than trying to have them share your water bottle. :-}


Happy New Year!

  What a year 2020 was! So much so I let this blog slip through the cracks!  Well it’s a new year and I have just posted a new workout video...