Sunday, October 20, 2019

Taking that leap of faith into the vast unknown

Because You Can Fitness was born in 2011, when life was a bit uncertain. I had lost my full-time job  a couple years before, working for an environmental organization. It was a position that I was really starting to grow in and enjoy. Then the economic downturn happened and I found myself out. I hadn't planned on it and struggled to find something else to help with paying bills. I thought about what I actually enjoyed that I could make some money doing. I looked at fitness. I thought, exercise makes me feel great about myself, confident, strong and mentally healthy. Why couldn't I do the same for others? My keeping up with exercise helped immensly with keeping depression at bay, for the most part. Of course there were always "those days". I now had the time to do more; cycling, running, getting to the gym. Yes, I was still looking for work and did some here and there, but I didn't land anything until later in 2011, when I was hired on for the organization I'm currently working at.
I'll get back to that in a minute.

I decided that I would get certified in personal training. My idea was to get hired somewhere as a full-time trainer. I went through training, took my exam and passed. I received my certification. I was ready. I applied for a trainer position, but realized what I wasn't comfortable with was the "selling" of fitness and a healthy lifestyle. So I ventured out on my own. Created BYC. I know,  it's still "selling", but it feels different. I don't push people, they are either ready...or not. Started with one client and a couple of outdoor classes a week. It was slow going, frustrating at times, but when it all clicked, so rewarding! It wasn't enough to pay my bills though, so I was still applying. I was hired to cover a maternity leave at a science organization mid-2011 and have been there ever since.

So why this blog post? Unlike the last time I was out of a full-time job, when I didn't have a choice, I'm leaving my current position so I can make another go of fitness as my main occupation instead of just part-time. This time I've planned for it, got some things lined up and know that if I find I still can't quite cover my's not the end of the world. I'll cross that bridge if I find myself standing in front of it.
This has not been a decision made lightly. I'll be honest...I'm terrified. I don't have a full plate...yet. I know I'll have to work hard to keep enough on my plate to meet financial obligations. Fitness is my passion... Not pursuing it full steam ahead, is not acceptable. I have to try. Because I Can!

The fear of the unknown keeps many staying in what is comfortable/secure, even if it isn't enjoyable anymore. We've all been there. Doesn't matter what it is; jobs, homes, relationships. I've waffled on this decision for a long, long time. Without change though, how do we know what is possible? How do we know what we can accomplish? Taking chances, even calculated risks means you learn, grow and experience things you wouldn't otherwise. We fear the unknown because we think it might go wrong, might be unpleasant, and it might. We might fail. However, we might not, it could be successful. This will be a lot of hard work. My life/schedule might be crazy. At some point though, it will all work. Hard work will pay off. I believe in myself. I have no idea what this road looks like, where it will lead me, but I'm too curious to not go down the rabbit hole and find out!

Find yourself stuck? Know that you too have the power to make a change. You can do it! It will be scary, unknown, worth it!
Comment below on what you are going to change in the hopes of enjoying your life and living it to it's fullest.

Yours in fitness and health,

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Happy New Year!

  What a year 2020 was! So much so I let this blog slip through the cracks!  Well it’s a new year and I have just posted a new workout video...