Thursday, March 17, 2011

Where do You Work Out and Why There?

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Will you be sticking with your clean eating today with a green smoothie or going for the tall Guinness? For me, Guinness all the way and add it to a meal of meat and potatoes?, you bet!! I can work it off tomorrow.

With new people joining the gym lately and asking me why I chose the YMCA in DC, got me thinking about why I did choose this gym and where others like to work out. I've mentioned before that when the weather is warm from mid-spring to mid-fall, I really prefer to hike, bike, run and swim outdoors, but during the months or days that it's uncomfortable (cold, wet, or both) I will take it indoors. So why the Y? Well, it all starts so many years ago... I grew up with the YMCA. I took swimming lessons there, until I had to learn to backwards dive and then I said enough (I'm still scared to try that). I took gymnastics there, my mom taught pre-school there, I went to the over-night summer camp and then became a CIT at the day camp. It was a large part of my childhood. I never really went back as an adult, then one visit to my home city of Augusta, Maine, I drove by and saw the building I'd spent so much time in all boarded up as the city had built a new facility elsewhere in town. I've never been there, btw.

As an adult I had joined a gym after college and it had all the usual amenities, weights, machines, classes, etc.. Nothing special.
When I moved to DC I hadn't thought much about joining a gym, but the place I worked had a corporate membership plan and happened to be just around the corner from the YMCA. Imagine that. I took the tour and was amazed at all it had to offer, pool, weight room, machines on more than one floor, basketball court (although I don't play), and a running track. Nothing fancy, but all functional. Now I've since toured and used trial memberships at some expensive and fancy places. You know the ones with the nice locker rooms with tall wooden lockers, attendants right there to help with anything (like disposable razors), showers that are huge with places to sit and have all the shampoo, conditioner, and bath gel you could ever want. Make up tables with individual mirrors, cotton balls, cotton swabs and the like. Weight rooms with the newest, shiniest dumbbells and machines and studios with springy floors. Those are all great things, but when you look at the bottom line of why you join a gym, is it for all that, or is it because you want to get fit and not pay a ton of money doing it? A 15Lb dumbbell is a 15LB dumbbell regardless if it's shiny, neoprene, or dull. Still gets the same job done. As nice as a locker room such as I described might be, all I really want to do after working out is take a shower, change and be on my way.
So why the Y, well besides the proximity to my current home, I like all that it has to offer as well as the knowledgeable and courteous staff and the sense of community. I also feel that for what I spend, I know that some of that money goes back to the community and that is important to me. Is the place perfect, no, are there things it can improve on, absolutely, but for now, it's the right place for me to workout. Now, I'm certainly not dissing the other facilities out there (I enjoyed my trial memberships so much that I took advantage every chance I got). You need to enjoy where you workout because that will keep you motivated and continuing to exercise on a regular basis no matter where that is, (fancy gym, less fancy gym, or outside) that is the absolute bottom line.

Now off to enjoy myself a Guinness!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Changing Your Fitness Routine

Hit the exercise plateau? Not feeling the same soreness and burn? I know the feeling. For several weeks I have kept the same workout routine, for the most part. Same classes, same times. Decided this week that it was time to change things up so I have taken different classes at different times. My muscles are a little unhappy, (sore calves to be precise) but it will be good for them. It's like saying wake up! Muscles will get used to doing the same movements with the same weight over and over so they actually need to be shocked. On average muscles adapt to routines within six to eight weeks. Besides avoiding hitting a plateau, changing your exercise routine will also help keep you from getting bored or making working out feel like a chore. With the warmer weather on its way I'll be taking more of my workouts outside with running and cycling and with summer even swimming. Spice it up once in a while. You should feel like you've worked hard, without pain that is. Exercise should be fun and rewarding. You may be sore for a couple of days after a change, but know that you'll be challenged and your muscles will soon adapt.

Happy Exercising!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Personal Training Exams and relaxation in SW Florida

I survived! Last weekend I finally took the AFAA (Aerobics and Fitness Association of America) Personal Training workshop and exams. This was an amazing experience. Two and a half days of workshops reviewing all the information in the textbook, with practices in taking fitness assessments, meeting and teaching clients. Very helpful for getting ready for the written and practical exams taken the second half of day three. I was such a wreck by the end of the second day I didn't sleep well, but with the gym practical on day 3 I was more confident for the practical exam. I highly recommend AFAA if you are considering becoming a PT. If hands-on studying works better for you, I suggest the workshops.
I now wait for 4-6 weeks for my results. Obviously I hope to have passed both exams and receive my personal training certification. If I didn't pass one or both I'll have to re-take, however I will now know what is expected and should certainly pass a second go-round. I haven't wanted to speculate on how I did, because I'll become too obsessive about it. Next step is to create a business plan and decide if I want to work for someone or venture out on my own. I like things about both ideas. For now, I'll gather advice from others and wait. Waiting is about as hard as studying. Wait, wait, wait...

After practically living at the gym for the last weekend, it was nice to get away and relax a few days in the warmth and sunshine of Southwest Florida. Visiting family, kayaking, swimming, and lounging at the beach was all I could handle. It was a really nice time and I managed to snap a few photos of wildlife while relaxing. I've posted to my Flickr account. Please check those and my other photos out.
Always take my camera with me everywhere I go. I figure there will be a great photo out there.

If you have advice for working in a gym or on my own or have a photo site you want to share, please feel free to send to me.

Will let you know when I have my certification, can't wait to get started helping people make and reach their fitness goals!

Happy New Year!

  What a year 2020 was! So much so I let this blog slip through the cracks!  Well it’s a new year and I have just posted a new workout video...