Monday, September 27, 2010

Don't Let The Scale Weigh You Down

I read some different fitness blogs and follow fitness on Facebook as well as Twitter. The information often times is redundant, but sometimes new and always interesting. Today before a body pump class at the Y I read Jillian Michaels' post about how you might get discouraged if you've been eating right and exercising and yet you step on the scale and it hasn't budged or even fluctuates a pound or two in both directions. Interestingly enough, today happened to be my day to come home after class and re-read the information as I had been loosing a pound here and there, but not this week. I worked out hard all week, ate healthy and nada. Remember that as stated in the JM blog, the weight didn't appear suddenly and it will take time to disappear. Also remember that as you exercise and eat right you will be building muscle and that does weigh more than fat, and that your body may have it's days (bloating...) that it may just hold in more water. I don't own a scale as I don't want to be obsessed by what it says. Basically your scale lies and as long as you are fitting better in your clothes, eating well, exercising (and enjoying it) you are doing the right things and eventually you will see the results of your hard work.

Another blog from fit Bottomed girls might be helpful if you've gained weight and not sure why. Or you know why and want to understand the reasons in depth. I know that for myself being out of work last summer, even though I was working out practically every day, contributed to my not loosing weight. Your home, stressed and the food or beverages are in the kitchen calling your name. It's very easy to be sucked in. You have to take control. I'm still learning this, it's a daily issue, but if I can do it so can you.

1 comment:

  1. Good article and very true. I find that chocolate and chips tend to have the loudest voices and the fruit speaks more softly!!


Happy New Year!

  What a year 2020 was! So much so I let this blog slip through the cracks!  Well it’s a new year and I have just posted a new workout video...