Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Happy New Year!


What a year 2020 was! So much so I let this blog slip through the cracks! 

Well it’s a new year and I have just posted a new workout video for you. Although you didn’t hear from me much here last year, I did continue to film workout and exercise videos as we all navigated how to stay healthy while our gyms and fitness studios and classes closed. Also the BYC outdoor fitness classes on Sunday have continued as well as a few virtual and outdoor in person personal training sessions. I will be adding a new class starting Tuesday nights at 6pm on Zoom. Stay up to date on all the happenings by subscribing to the YouTube channel https://youtube.com/user/murphyalori and to the Facebook page Because You Can Fitness (Lori Murphy). Check out all the offerings from BYC by visiting the website 


I look forward to communicating more with you here in 2021! 

Happy New Year!


Wednesday, May 13, 2020

May is mental health month

May is mental health month and if you are like me, this year starting back in March we’ve been struggling. I’ve wanted to sit down and write this post for the past two months, yet I didn’t know what I wanted to say. This is week 8, 9, or 10 for most of us from when we started  to work, learn, workout, dine, and do everything from home. This might have started out kind of easy, fun even, then it started to drag on and be the new norm, now many of us are reaching our limits and we would like to go back to the office, school, gym, restaurants and all those not home places. When this first started I was like, ok, I can do this, not too bad. I’m still able to do most everything I usually do except work at the recreation center. I was still working my office job, working with clients, teaching classes, going to the gym, and going places like stores and the hair salon, yes, I was fortunate to get my hair done before they closed. Phew! Then stuff started to get canceled, places started to close and stay at home orders were put into effect. I realized then, several weeks ago, that my moods changed. I got depressed, stressed, angry, sad, and through it all I tried my best to stay positive. That’s hard to do when you feel like the walls are all crumbling around you. I’ve lost track of how these weeks have been, but I know that they have probably gone something like this; week 1, ok, week 2, awful, week 3, ok, and repeat. Every time a new deadline of opening things up came and went and things were cancelled and new rules were put into place I went through all the emotions, depression, anger, sadness, hope. 

I wish I could say I’ve handled things like a champ, I can’t. Being in my 40’s means my hormones are already all over the place. This has made them worse. I’ve been, still am, a hot mess! I keep it together for all my professional parts of life, but not always for the private ones. I’ve had some really great days and some not so great moments. I’ve gotten short with people, angry drunk texted people (fortunately they are amazing and have forgiven me) I’ve had crying sessions, and had days where getting out of bed took all day. I’m so not proud of these things, I’ve beaten myself up over them. I’m telling you my deepest dark secrets because I want you to know if you are experiencing these types of things, you are not alone. What we are going through is traumatic and although it’s not what you might think of when you hear ptsd, many professionals are saying we are experiencing symptoms very similar to those suffering from diagnosed ptsd. Even those of us that generally are positive, happy, emotionally strong people are struggling with the world right now.  You may have a support system, I do via phone and online, sometimes it just isn’t enough. I live alone and although I do have a fantastic cat, and some in person connections, at the end of some days, you find yourself alone, and it’s lonely. 

Please don’t despair. It’s hard and I’ve thought about getting professional help as there are times when I really don’t think I’ve got a firm grip on things. There are times when I do. I haven’t made a decision about this yet, but if you feel you need to do the same, please reach out to someone. There is no shame in asking for help. Life is not what it’s been and may be like this for a while. Take care you yourself, physically and emotionally. I promise to do the same. I also promise to turn off my phone from now on when I feel the urge to angry drunk text someone. No more of that nonsense! 🤦🏼‍♀️
Seriously though, things will eventually get better and so we need to do what we can to make it bearable. Do those things that keep you upbeat, healthy and remember to take it one day at a time. And be kind to yourself. For not knowing exactly what I’ve wanted to say it looks like I’ve said a lot. I hope it’s helpful to you. 
Stay healthy, stay strong, stay positive and be well.


Thursday, November 14, 2019

Fitness and good nutrition run away with the cookie dough ice cream spoon? Yeah...it happens.

Oh we’ve all been there, I’m there right now. When you are going through your regularly scheduled life and look up to realize that, umm, you’ve gained a few pounds, that are not muscle and really are not flattering. You know, when you look down and it looks like you forgot to take off that flotation device the last time you went to the pool. Sigh. It’s ok though. Yes, maybe you binged like I did on your new favorite ice cream, or decided, hey I workout, so those couple of sweets are no big deal, or I’m tired and don’t have time to wait for roasted veggies, fries are faster. Yep, I am guilty of all those. I mean vegan cookie dough ice cream...yum!
It’s never too late to start again with keeping to your fitness routine and getting back to clean eating. Making those foods you’re craving only a once in a while kind of thing, not couple times a week kind of thing. I’m a fitness pro, however, I’m also human. I might know what I should eat more of and what I should eat less of, but that doesn’t mean I don’t get cravings and break with a good nutrition plan. It’s also easy to get a little lax with a healthy lifestyle. I trained all year long for my half marathon and triathlon and then got a little lazy. I’ve made excuses...I’m teaching more classes....training more clients...dating...still getting some of it in. Again, it’s ok, you can pick back up and start again. This is exactly what I’m currently doing. Time to re-evaluate where I am, what needs to change, and how I’m going to make it happen. My plan is to up my fitness regimen, cut out the cravings, eat more fruits and veggies, and make sure I’m getting enough sleep. Can you relate? What is your plan of attack?
Let’s do this together.
I’ll post my progress....will you post yours?
We've got this!

 I can do it and so can you!

Yours in fitness,

Because You Can Fitness

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Taking that leap of faith into the vast unknown

Because You Can Fitness was born in 2011, when life was a bit uncertain. I had lost my full-time job  a couple years before, working for an environmental organization. It was a position that I was really starting to grow in and enjoy. Then the economic downturn happened and I found myself out. I hadn't planned on it and struggled to find something else to help with paying bills. I thought about what I actually enjoyed that I could make some money doing. I looked at fitness. I thought, exercise makes me feel great about myself, confident, strong and mentally healthy. Why couldn't I do the same for others? My keeping up with exercise helped immensly with keeping depression at bay, for the most part. Of course there were always "those days". I now had the time to do more; cycling, running, getting to the gym. Yes, I was still looking for work and did some here and there, but I didn't land anything until later in 2011, when I was hired on for the organization I'm currently working at.
I'll get back to that in a minute.

I decided that I would get certified in personal training. My idea was to get hired somewhere as a full-time trainer. I went through training, took my exam and passed. I received my certification. I was ready. I applied for a trainer position, but realized what I wasn't comfortable with was the "selling" of fitness and a healthy lifestyle. So I ventured out on my own. Created BYC. I know,  it's still "selling", but it feels different. I don't push people, they are either ready...or not. Started with one client and a couple of outdoor classes a week. It was slow going, frustrating at times, but when it all clicked, so rewarding! It wasn't enough to pay my bills though, so I was still applying. I was hired to cover a maternity leave at a science organization mid-2011 and have been there ever since.

So why this blog post? Unlike the last time I was out of a full-time job, when I didn't have a choice, I'm leaving my current position so I can make another go of fitness as my main occupation instead of just part-time. This time I've planned for it, got some things lined up and know that if I find I still can't quite cover my bills...it's not the end of the world. I'll cross that bridge if I find myself standing in front of it.
This has not been a decision made lightly. I'll be honest...I'm terrified. I don't have a full plate...yet. I know I'll have to work hard to keep enough on my plate to meet financial obligations. Fitness is my passion... Not pursuing it full steam ahead, is not acceptable. I have to try. Because I Can!

The fear of the unknown keeps many staying in what is comfortable/secure, even if it isn't enjoyable anymore. We've all been there. Doesn't matter what it is; jobs, homes, relationships. I've waffled on this decision for a long, long time. Without change though, how do we know what is possible? How do we know what we can accomplish? Taking chances, even calculated risks means you learn, grow and experience things you wouldn't otherwise. We fear the unknown because we think it might go wrong, might be unpleasant, and it might. We might fail. However, we might not, it could be successful. This will be a lot of hard work. My life/schedule might be crazy. At some point though, it will all work. Hard work will pay off. I believe in myself. I have no idea what this road looks like, where it will lead me, but I'm too curious to not go down the rabbit hole and find out!

Find yourself stuck? Know that you too have the power to make a change. You can do it! It will be scary, unknown, worth it!
Comment below on what you are going to change in the hopes of enjoying your life and living it to it's fullest.

Yours in fitness and health,

Saturday, September 14, 2019

This is a down and dirty, fast and sweaty workout...Are you up for the challenge?

I created this short circuit workout for a 45 min class, it's approximately 30 minutes of work outside of the warmup and cool down. Each circuit targets the lower body, cardio, upper body and abs/core. 4 circuits, 4 exercises in each, 2-3 rounds. All you need is a mat and a pair of dumbbells, or can be done with strictly body weight.

Are you ready?

Circuit 1:

Dumbbell or body weight squat (holding weights by your side): 16
Jumping jacks: 20
Biceps curls: 21's (7 lower half, 7 upper half, 7 full)
Plank cross-unders (Plank position, cross leg under body to opposite side): 20

Circuit 2:

Figure 8 lunge (alternate lunge forward, passing a weight under the knee for each lunge): 20
Side shuffle along the mat (squat and tap hands on the short end of the mat, shuffle along the long end and squat and tap hands at the other short end): 16
Triceps extension: 16
Bicycle crunch: 16

Circuit 3:

Side lunge with a knee up, 8 on one side, switch, 8 on the other side: 16
Football runs along the mat (start with each foot on the outside of the mat, one on either side, mat in the middle. Run along the outside of the mat up, squat down and tap the end, run backwards to start position, squat and tap end of mat. Each pass up or back is counted as 1): 10
Reverse crunch: 16

Circuit 4:
Wide squat, put down and pick up a weight with each squat (Huh? yeah sorry, so wide stance, a weight in each hand, palms facing you. 1st squat, place one weight on the ground, 2nd squat, place the other weight on the ground. Both weights are now on the ground. 3rd squat pick up one weight,
4th squat pick up the other weight. You have now done 4 squats, yay! You're not done.
Squats 1 & 2 placing weight on the ground is counted as 1, squats 3 & 4, picking them up is counted as 1, you'll do a total of 10. For those who just want to know how many squats total to do: 20

Skaters along the mat. 5 up and 5 back, 5 rounds: 50 total skaters
Shoulder press: 16
Side plank with top leg lift: 10 each side

Yay, you're done!
Great work!

Comment below on your results.

Yours in fitness,

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

My first half marathon and second triathlon are in the books and running is still hard.

Ha! Running is hard and yet I keep finding myself doing it. I think it's because it's hard that I feel I need to keep working at it. 😲 I mean I even created a Train to Run program for new runners or those who want to get into it. It's not a punishment, it's a challenge. So I keep challenging myself with what I consider the hardest of the fitness disciplines that I do.

This past weekend I competed in and completed my second ever triathlon. TriAC in Atlantic City. A sprint triathlon; 400 m open water swim, 11 mile bike ride and 5k run. Leading up to the event I knew I was ready. I'd gotten over most of the nervousness of last year and knew somewhat what to expect. It wasn't all new. However there were new aspects to this race, different location, open water vs pool swim, much larger group as there was also a Olympic distance race at the same time, and open to both men and women.

Wait, let me back up a bit. After the Women's Philadelphia Triathlon last year I kept at my training throughout the year leading up to this one. I was already trying to get in one swim, bike/spin, run once a week. I was especially trying to make sure I got in running as I had, in a fit of excitement, signed up for the National Women's Half Marathon that took place May 5. OMG, a half marathon, what was I thinking. In an earlier post I described one of my training runs leading up to that race. I completed one more long training run before doomsday. Someone asked me if I was ready, my response was no, but I'll just do it. And that's exactly what I did. That half marathon was probably the hardest thing physically I've done to date, if there was something harder, I've probably blocked it out of my mind. It was certainly a challenge.
The day started with a light rain and stayed that way for what seemed like forever. I was actually feeling good. There is always an excitement around racing events and that always helps keep the mood positive even when you're wet, anticipating 3 hours of emotional and physical pain, and wished you had stayed in bed. I knew what I needed to do to get through this. The first half went pretty well. I was still running and thinking that I could run the whole thing, ha ha that's funny. Mile 8 was where things fell apart, that's where it went run/walk/run blah blah blah. I even took a pit stop. Mile 12 I was determined to run the last mile + to the finish, cause one doesn't walk across the finish line. Yay! It's over. Wonder Woman finished strong! Oh yes, I forgot to mention, as this was my first half marathon, and a woman themed one, I wore my WW shirt and rocked a WW tutu! Yes, I did!

With this momentous occasion over, I continued my triathlon training, well, sort of. I know I let my running slide. I wasn't getting it in. I figured the Train to Run program would help and with my student we completed the Lawyers Have Heart 5k, my time was fine for that. Then it slipped again. I had to get in a couple of brick trainings (biking/running) which I did, I think the first went ok, but the second wasn't great and many of my runs this summer were just awful, this wasn't helping. Race week I got in one bike ride and one run, no swim, why? I don't know. My run was actually good, I told myself if I can do that on triathlon day, I'd be fine.

TriAC: The day before race day I had driven up to Atlantic City, checked in and wandered all over to see the water, the swim in, bike out, bike in and run out points. Put the sticker on my bike,  found my spot in transition and racked my bike. I attended the informational athlete meeting and then headed to my hotel. I was feeling confident about a good race the next morning.

Race morning was beautiful and I'd heard the water was 81 degrees, no need for a wetsuit, whahoo! Cause who really wants to try and peel that thing off, a bathing suit is hard enough. I got there early and made my way to transition and set up my stuff so it was all easily accessible based on what I needed when. The athlete next to me managed to create a little tension in setting up his area and proceeded to mess up mine. 😨 I just stayed there until he was done, fixed my spot and went to the start. The swim was set up where you place yourself according to the time it takes you to complete 400 meters. I was in the 10 min +. When the tri started the volunteers had five people at a time get in the water every 10 seconds, this was super helpful in that you were not getting swum over by lots of people. So I walked down the boat ramp and was in the water, tried to freestyle as I normally would in the pool, yeah that didn't work. Can't see anything in that lovely brown water, so my head kind of stayed up the whole time and I decided to freestyle and breast stroke as I had room to do that, unlike in the pool where we looked like a bunch of salmon swimming upstream. I hadn't done an open water swim before for a race, I didn't panic, but I did swim a lot faster than I normally do in the pool, by about 2 min! I just wanted to get out and be done. I wanted to get on the bike, my total comfort zone. Getting out of the water and up another boat ramp, I made my way to transition, got on my bike gear, grabbed my bike, ran it to where you get on, couldn't for the life of me get my foot to clip in my pedal, finally got it and I was off. The bike ride was 11 miles and took me just under the 40 min it usually does, but felt like it whizzed by!  Oh crap! I knew what was next...the run. Dismounted the bike, ran back to transition, changed shoes, put on my hat and off I went. My legs hated this and me.
By now the sun was out and it was warm. Legs really have a hard time adjusting after a bike ride and with my swim having been so much faster, I was a little more spent than I should have been. But I knew I could do this and talked my way through it. Just keep running, keep your head down, you can do it, everyone is cheering, that's awesome, oh thank god, some shade. The run was along the AC boardwalk and as cool as it is to run on, there really isn't any shade except one building we ran around. I finally got to where the sprint turns around and heads back towards the finish line. Yes! I can see it, almost there, and finally I was done! Ultimately I had completed under my goal time. I would have liked to do a little faster, but I'm proud of setting the goal and meeting it. When I looked at my times my swim was faster than I'd expected, bike was spot on, run slower. So guess what I need to work on?? Yep, back to run training. I was already thinking about what I need to do as soon as the race was over.
This was tough, the half marathon was tougher, but these won't be my last races. I'm not keen to sign up for another half marathon right away, but I definitely see more triathlons in my future. Having goals like these keep you motivated to keep training. It's easy to get lazy when a race is over, to say, okay that's done, time to relax. Well, I relaxed for a couple of days then I was back at it. Guess what I did first...yep, a run. Running is still hard. With anything though, the more you do it, the easier it will become. At least that's what I keep telling myself. 😃 So my next goal will be to increase the speed and duration of my running because I want to set an even faster goal time next time!

Stay motivated and keep challenging yourself! That means sticking with those things that are hard.
I can do it, so I know you can do it.

Comment below what you keep sticking with even though its hard for you.


Wednesday, August 7, 2019

New things...New old things...Keep Life Exciting!

Whoa! What a summer it's been so far! Lots of things swirling around in my universe. I've had ups And downs, mostly ups though, so it's all good! As I write this I'm getting ready to travel to my second ever triathlon, this one on Saturday in Atlantic City. The triathlon isn't a "new" thing for me per se as I competed in my first last summer, however there will be new aspects this year. First being AC, I've never been there before, so I'm looking forward to checking out, from what I hear, a cool location. This event will have an open water swim, which I haven't done before (in a race) and have been told I may like better than the pool swim of last year. This event will also actually consist of two races; a sprint and olympic, meaning twice as many people competing as the Women's Philadelphia Triathlon I did last year. Wow! That's a lot of people! So a much bigger event. I'm excited, nervous, and focused all at the same time. I've worked hard all year, cause let's be honest, who really stops training after their last event? I know what my times should be, I know how my body should perform and how it should feel at the finish line. I have an idea of what the courses should be like and what the weather should be. These are all shoulds though, anything can happen and that's why I have a little nervous twinge. Currently I'm focused on all the logistics of getting there, parking, athlete check-in, the meetings, checking the bike in transition and figuring out all those courses and transitions once I see them in person. I'm reading, highlighting and re-reading the athlete guide. Watching Live Facebook events about the event and double checking my equipment and the equipment checklist. It's all a bit Santa Clause like, checking and checking again and we're two days out from leaving. 😮
I could have decided after last year's triathlon, that once was enough. That I'd set a goal, crushed it and could then move on to something else. (Kind of did move on with the half marathon I raced earlier this year, that's a previous story) I realized though that registering for another one gave me another opportunity to feel great about crushing a goal, kept me focused and motivated on my training and workouts and gave me something, quite frankly, fun to look forward to.
Which is what I think keeps life exciting and worth living. If you don't have goals to look forward to, then what do you have? This leads me to the new "new" things coming up in my life. Starting in September, I'll be teaching a couple of fitness classes at the Thomas Jefferson Community Center, part of the Arlington County Department of Parks and Recreation. I'm really looking forward to the opportunity to reach a whole new group of people and community with regards to health and wellness. I'm also excited by the prospect of gaining more experience in the world of fitness. Late last year I started on the subs list of the YMCA Anthony Bowen, here in DC and that's also been a fun way to get back into that gym culture. Things are happening! Yay!

Stay tuned, there will be some other changes happening on the horizon. Changes can be scary and exciting all at the same time, however change is ultimately good. Change challenges us. So here's to being challenged and keeping life exciting!

Now I'm signing off to go check and recheck all I need to know and do for my next adventure!

Yours in fitness and fun,


Happy New Year!

  What a year 2020 was! So much so I let this blog slip through the cracks!  Well it’s a new year and I have just posted a new workout video...