Thursday, November 14, 2019

Fitness and good nutrition run away with the cookie dough ice cream spoon? happens.

Oh we’ve all been there, I’m there right now. When you are going through your regularly scheduled life and look up to realize that, umm, you’ve gained a few pounds, that are not muscle and really are not flattering. You know, when you look down and it looks like you forgot to take off that flotation device the last time you went to the pool. Sigh. It’s ok though. Yes, maybe you binged like I did on your new favorite ice cream, or decided, hey I workout, so those couple of sweets are no big deal, or I’m tired and don’t have time to wait for roasted veggies, fries are faster. Yep, I am guilty of all those. I mean vegan cookie dough ice cream...yum!
It’s never too late to start again with keeping to your fitness routine and getting back to clean eating. Making those foods you’re craving only a once in a while kind of thing, not couple times a week kind of thing. I’m a fitness pro, however, I’m also human. I might know what I should eat more of and what I should eat less of, but that doesn’t mean I don’t get cravings and break with a good nutrition plan. It’s also easy to get a little lax with a healthy lifestyle. I trained all year long for my half marathon and triathlon and then got a little lazy. I’ve made excuses...I’m teaching more more getting some of it in. Again, it’s ok, you can pick back up and start again. This is exactly what I’m currently doing. Time to re-evaluate where I am, what needs to change, and how I’m going to make it happen. My plan is to up my fitness regimen, cut out the cravings, eat more fruits and veggies, and make sure I’m getting enough sleep. Can you relate? What is your plan of attack?
Let’s do this together.
I’ll post my progress....will you post yours?
We've got this!

 I can do it and so can you!

Yours in fitness,

Because You Can Fitness

Happy New Year!

  What a year 2020 was! So much so I let this blog slip through the cracks!  Well it’s a new year and I have just posted a new workout video...