Thursday, August 9, 2018

The year of tri-ing new things...what are you waiting for?

Ever wanted to...fill in the blank. What have you wanted to do that you've never done before? Why haven't you tried it? What is holding you back? Is it something you don't know how, don't have the time (or think you don't), a fear you haven't overcome, something you are worried you will look silly doing? We all have those thoughts when we think about doing something new and lots of times it holds us back from something that we might actually enjoy, like or even be good at.

I have gone to new places, tried new things and overcome fears while doing them. Growing up I was a pretty shy kid and even as I became an adult, I struggled with doing new things. I remember that I wanted to fit in with any of the groups of kids in school. I got along with most everyone, that wasn't the problem, but I didn't really belong to any groups. By high school though something changed in my attitude and I got it into my head to tryout for everything, or at least it felt like that. I tried out for basketball and cheerleading, I auditioned for parts in a couple of school plays and for a solo part in chorus. I didn't get any of them, but I did act in a different part of a couple of plays and I did sing in the school chorus. Trying out for these things terrified me.  I was really disappointed that I hadn't gotten any of those things, but I can look back on and recognize that what may have seemed easy for some people, I had overcome the fear and tried.

Unfortunately by college I had lost some of that I can do this attitude. I think there are some factors that play into this, up until this point I knew most of my school mates, now I was faced with all sorts of new people, and I think as we get older the fears get larger. Now embarrassment comes into play more, the "what if I look dumb in front of these people". I had to overcome the speaking in front of a group, because we had to take speech class, I felt pretty good if I could do a speech on something I liked, but other things I was less familiar with, didn't have a passion for, was much more difficult. Most of my classes I didn't really have to face any obstacles, but two things do stick out in my mind. One class we needed to drive the school van with a boat trailer on the back and successfully drive in, turn around and back it up. I really didn't want to do that, I was scared I wouldn't be able to do it, I'd look dumb and my classmates would laugh at me. So I somehow got out of it, I think by saying I'd already done it. Now, this would have been a very handy skill to have.  The other one, was for another class where we had to perform the shoot don't shoot drill. I was absolutely terrified. I got out of that too. I kind of wish I had done that one also. Who knows, maybe I would have been good at it.

As I've gotten older, I've traveled all over the world and tried lots of things, knowing that if I didn't I'd miss out and I didn't want to miss out on something that could be a once-in-a-lifetime event. Sometimes it helps to have people around you that want to do those things too, so there is the encouragement and knowledge that you will have an experience you can share.

When I decided to become a personal trainer and group exercise instructor I needed to overcome the speaking to groups of people, cause how could I teach a class otherwise? And for certifications you are tested on doing just that. Funny thing I still get nervous sometimes, but that's okay, it just means that I really want to make sure people are getting the best out of what I have to offer.

This year I have consciously decided though that this will be the year of tri-ing new things. My first triathlon was one of those things and if you want to read about my road to triathlon I wrote about in my last post. There were lots of new things about that, but I got up my courage, trained for, completed and found the whole experience amazing! So much so I'm ready to go for it again.
I finally got a tattoo, I'd only been talking about it with my sister for years. And last weekend I finally tried paddle boarding. Yeah I know, why did it take so long? I don't know. I had wanted to try it, looked like fun. I remember when I went from canoeing to kayaking, I had actually resisted trying that. I really don't remember now why, but eventually I did it, loved it, bought a kayak and now go all the time, well as time allows. So I decided to try paddle boarding, but I decided I would do it by myself. I was afraid of falling off in front of someone. lol Silly, I know. I think my biggest fear was getting on and then standing up. So I searched on YouTube (they have everything) how to get on a paddle board, watched a couple of videos and then felt this was something I could manage. I took myself to a place that I'd gone with a friend kayaking the weekend before and rented one. The attendant had me kneel and said try it that way for a while. I did and then when I felt a bit confident, I tried standing,  I was wobbly, but managed to do it, then back to my knees. I went to a really calm section of water and went back and forth from knees to standing and sitting. I stayed out on the water for 2.5 hours! Came back home and ordered an inflatable paddle board. Oh and by the way, I never fell! I can't wait for my board to come so I can go again!

What we need to keep in mind is that all those things out there that you see other people doing, they all had to try it first. Everyone has been in the same position you are for that first time. And so you fall or trip or get scared, it's ok. You tried. I went snorkeling with manatees with someone and this person doesn't swim. This was their first time trying this. It didn't work for them, but I was proud of them for trying. Maybe it means another time it will work for them, or maybe they don't want to try again. It's okay, if they had never tried, they would have never known.
Don't let those moments pass you by, try them, who knows, maybe you'll really enjoy them and then your life will become even fuller.

Here's to trying new things!


Happy New Year!

  What a year 2020 was! So much so I let this blog slip through the cracks!  Well it’s a new year and I have just posted a new workout video...