Friday, February 2, 2018

5-Day Body Blast Challenge

Hello Fitness Friends,
Ready for a new workout challenge? You all said yes, right? ;) I thought so. I'm ready too! I've put together a 5-day full body circuit challenge below. To keep it simple you will only need a mat. The idea is to go through all the exercises, one right after the other with little to no rest in between. The first day you do the circuit once, the second twice and so on, so by day 5 you go through the full circuit five times. Do rest in between each round and modify as needed. This challenge is not meant to be done on back to back days, try every other day or every two days.

Circuit training is a great way to maximize your workout and minimize the time. By working through each exercise with little to know rest, you'll get through several exercises in less time than a typical workout session. This type of training also keeps your heart rate up as well as your muscles engaged to promote overall fitness. Circuit training builds your cardiovascular health, endurance, and provides more fat and calorie burning than some of the traditional strength training workouts. It also fights boredom moving from one exercise to the next. So are you ready to get started? Me too!

Warm up

10 squats
10 walking lunges
20 jumping jacks
20 mountain climbers
10 pushups
10 triceps dips
20 high knees
20 butt kicks
20 bicycle crunches
30 sec plank


I know you are up for this challenge. Let me know how you are doing either in the comments below or on the BYC FB page:

You can do it!
Yours in fitness,

1 comment:

  1. This looks great!!! I'll let you know how I do, if I can still move after day 5! :O hehe


Happy New Year!

  What a year 2020 was! So much so I let this blog slip through the cracks!  Well it’s a new year and I have just posted a new workout video...