Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Spring, 30-day shred and temptations

It's spring and the weather has been up and down, warm, cold, sunny, rainy. Hard to plan a regular outside workout schedule. And if you have allergies, it's been terrible. Fortunately I haven't suffered as much as some people, but certainly still feeling it. However, when the weather is nice its tempting to want to workout outside instead of the gym. So if you can stand it, get out, take in the vitamin d and get some exercise. I've taken to cycling and a bit of running, although I'll never get very far very fast. I also take some of my inside moves outside. You can do crunches, pushups, squats, lunges, tricept dips just about anywhere. You may not have weights with you, but if you do more reps than you would with weights you are still working the muscles. All you need is a good space, in a park and a bench for tricept dips and knee bends. You're getting cardio and strength training. This gets me to the 30-day shred. Okay, this is taking me forever and it isn't because its hard, just that I haven't had time. I've only done 3 of the 30 days. This is okay though because I'm still working out most every day. I've had dance classes, practices, gym workouts, and outdoor workouts. I look at having the DVD for those days that I just can't can't anywhere else and I need that exercise. It's still a good program and glad that I invested in it. It also has given me good movement ideas for when I'm in the gym or outside.
I mentioned temptations in the title. Today as has happened other days and will happen again I was tempted with food. The office where I'm currently working decided to have a little celebration for something they accomplished. This meant a small spread of wine, beer, cheese, crackers, chips, salsa, carrots and mini cupcakes. Oh boy! Before I started really thinking about I might have just grazed, but today I had to use willpower and overcome the urge to talk and eat. I had a little white wine and carrots, lots of carrots. two small pieces of cheddar but that was it. It was kind of difficult, but I knew I could do it. I also had water. Drink lots of water, it helps. I watched part of The Biggest Loser tonight as well and funny enough one of the challenges was a food temptation challenge. One room filled with healthy and unhealthy food and people deciding what they would eat. I know that would be a very difficult challenge, but its something one has to confront all the time and its good to know how you might react and what you might choose to eat.
Just remember that when faced with temptation that you can get through it and come out on top. Always have water with you, go for anything that is healthy even if that means eating lots of carrots, don't stay close to the food and if you give in, one piece of cheese isn't the end, just don't overindulge.
You can do it.
Happy spring!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Summer is coming....

Today is April 6, but it feels like August 6. 92 degrees and sunny. Over the weekend it was in the high 70's, sunny and just lovely. It was time to get into summer mode and so it was off to go kayaking. Pohick Bay Regional Park is 30-minutes south of Washington, DC and is open for kayaking earlier than anyone in the city. One place, Jack's Boathouse won't open until April 15 and Fletcher's Boathouse probably won't open until the end of April or early May. It was a really nice day, we were out on the water for two hours and saw many birds. Kayaking is very good upper body and abdominal workout. Shoulders, obliques and biceps. If you are in anything but calm conditions you'll get an excellent workout, but even in calm conditions you can work fast and hard.
With the summer weather on its way I'm posting some good exercises for swimming. We'll be in the pool before you know it. Of course if your gym has an indoor or heated outdoor you can start right away. Happy pool time.
These are from Jillian Michaels newsletter.

1. Push-ups on the side of the pool.

2. Dips on the side of the pool.

3. Treading water. (If this is easy for you, hold a dumbbell over your head and try it.)

4. Hold weights in your hands and try running laps in a lap pool. This is fun and challenging.

5. Hold a kickboard and do only kicking-drill laps.

6. Place a Styrofoam block between your legs and hold it tight so that your legs are totally stationary. Now try swimming laps using only your arms.

7. Up-downs: Go into the deep end of the pool. Dive to the bottom and then jump from the bottom back up to the surface. Catch your breath and repeat.

Try to do each of these exercises for 5 sets of 10 repetitions — do what you can in the beginning, and work up to it!

Happy New Year!

  What a year 2020 was! So much so I let this blog slip through the cracks!  Well it’s a new year and I have just posted a new workout video...