Thursday, October 28, 2010

Compassion, not taunting

On October 25, 2010, Maura Kelly, a Marie Claire blogger, wrote a distasteful post regarding obese characters on TV and wether viewers would want to watch them make out or would that make them uncomfortable. She had a lot more to say and you can click above to read the full post. Kelly later posted an apology after an outpouring of messages, mostly upset (rightly so) about what she had to say. Here is a follow-up report from Today. I've watched "Mike and Molly", and I like that the characters meet at an overeaters meeting. It shows that they recognize they have an issue and are trying to do make a change. I also feel the show has written in some very real obstacles; family, although loving, somewhat sabotage Molly by eating cake or drinking in front of her and giving excuses such as big-boned, having to make food choices when eating out, and their own self-consciousness about how they look in the eyes of each other. I find this show more realistic and would rather watch than that of "Real Housewives" of anywhere USA. I think what would truly make this show great would be a conscious effort of the actors/characters to lose weight and become healthy over the course of the show. That would continue to show viewers that you can make changes. Anything is possible. I applaud other shows such as Thintervention and The Biggest Loser as well as the trainers, Jackie Warner, Bob Harper and Jillian Michaels, for showing the Nation that there is a real problem, what you can do about it and that it is done with compassion. Obesity is a real, physical and emotional problem. We need to help each other with love, compassion and sincerity, not torment or taunt. It is sad if we can't do that.

I consider other countries around the world to be "food" nations; Greece, Italy, France.. but we have become a bad, fast-food nation. Excuses, "I don't have time", "It's too difficult", Good food costs too much", "I/my family won't like/eat it". There are so many good recipes out there that are fast, easy, and everyone will like them. As for cost, well think of it this way, would you rather spend a little more, eat well, lose weight and become healthy, or not and spend even more on medical bills, because diabetes or clogged arteries have set in and you have to work that much harder to become healthy for fear of a heart attack or something else that will shorten your life? I know what I choose.
These same excuses come to play with exercise, the biggest being no time. If you have time to sit and watch TV for 30-60 min at night, you have time to go to the gym, workout at home or outside. You have to be committed.

Below are some great links for eating clean and working out:
Tosa Reno is Fabulous

Happy New Year!

  What a year 2020 was! So much so I let this blog slip through the cracks!  Well it’s a new year and I have just posted a new workout video...